Name: Ami Anderson
Age: 14
Birthsign: Virgo
Blood type: A
Hobby: reading and studying
Fav. colors: blue and aquamarine
Fav. food: sandwiches
Fav. animal: Cat
Least fav. food: Yellow Tuna
Fav. subject: Mathematics
Least fav. subject: NONE
Fav. gemstone: sapphire

Sailor Mercury's Photo Album
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Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibi Moon, Sailor Pluto,
Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Scout Gardians,
Star Lights, Friends & Family, Scout Enemys, Sailor Moon Episodes, Sailor Moons Cd's, Sailor Scout Galary,
Sailor Scout Powers, My Adopted Friend, Story Plots, My Profile, Vote For Me, My Awards,