

Mike's Page

Hey all! I'm not running yet but hope to be up and going soon. Hope you come in and enjoy!! Wrestling fans be sure to check out the official site at wcw wrestling.com! And...one of the best wrestling sites I have seen is Bill Geiger's at http:/come.to/wrestlinghq/. He does all the work himself and its well worth checking out. And, he also puts out a great newsletter; if you want that e-mail me and I'll get you a subscription for you, freee!!

Dont worry ...

I'm working really fast on an updated version for you!! While you wait here are soom cool pics I found for your viewing pleasure!!

My own drawing;its the tattoo on my right shoulder!

Wierd but I like it!

Pretty cool eh?

I won't talk about myself yet but I will mention that I was at Ste Annes for two years so if you've ever been there or you know what a 'kegger' is write me and let me know! Well, see ya soon!!

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