Greetings, and welcome to TK 102's webpage. I live in Hamilton (no, it's NOT named after that dorky looking guy that was in Star Wars, y'know -"HAMILL"-town!? HA!) New Zealand, and am a proud member of the Official Australian / New Zealand Garrison.
It had long been a dream of mine to join the ranks of the almighty Empire, ever since I first saw those awesome Stormtroopers blitz those pitiful Rebels in the capture of the Tantive IV way back in 1977. The realisation of this dream was greatly assisted by various members of the one and only Internet Stormtrooper Division, the 501st Legion. To Mike, Al and Arnie in particular, I thank you.
If you are interested in joining the ranks of the illustrious 501st Legion or the Official New Zealand Stormtrooper Garrison, or in just getting in touch with a fellow Star Wars fan, send me an e-mail. I'd love to hear from you!
Click here and drop me a line!
So take a look at the following pages, and join with me in a salute to the phenomenon that is STAR WARS, and in particular to the most sinister and intimidating military force ever seen on the Silver Screen, the almighty IMPERIAL STORMTROOPERS!
You are Trooper number
to venture Down Under
since the 10th of September, 1998. I hope you enjoy your visit! :)
PS Here is an award I was happy to receive recently, though had we met "... a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away", well I'd have had no choice but to kill him! ;)
'Stormtroopers', 'Star Wars' and all it's characters are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. This webpage is in no way associated with this or any other company. Any resemblance to Stormtrooper Armour is purely coincidental. No sentients were harmed in the making of this webpage, though a Jawa, three Ewoks and an Extra-Terrestrial were slightly traumatised.
May The Force Be With You All...