Simply_Tracey and im_tweety and abcsara - 09/28/99 02:05:07 your favorite chat site: excite | Comments: coming at you from a tour on VPlaces hugs and kisses |
Simply Tracey - 09/27/99 20:58:34 My URL:/Paris/Opera/1966/ My your favorite chat site: excite chat...VPlaces 30 Lounge your favorite sci-fi book: hmm like many | Comments: Hmm what do I say about one of the most sweetest, kindest, and caring men I know. Thank you for taking the time on your trip to Canada to give a little piece of yourself to me. hugs and kisses |
Foxy Loxy18 - 04/15/99 00:13:30 My URL: your favorite chat site: Thirtysomethin Lounge / Thirty Something Christian your favorite sci-fi book: dont have one...sorry | Comments: Love the page!! *S* I enjoy seeing you in chat!! |
mindy-1964 - 01/31/99 23:32:51 My URL: My Email:~~~~~~~ your favorite chat site: 30's lounge | Comments: You are great and fun in chat. Glad to finally make it this far in your homepage. Very nice one. Take Care and see ya in Chat.... mindy |
Just DJ - 01/28/99 19:16:16 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS Thirtysomething Lounge your favorite sci-fi book: Are you KIDDING???? *LOL* | Comments: Hey you!!!!! It's about time you came over to Geocities and got a REAL homepage!!!! *LOL* Can't wait to see what you do with it!!! *S* *popping open a cold beer* no hurry though..I'll wait!! *LOL* Catch ya in the lounge!!!! *HUGS* |
ElizMN - 12/07/98 20:54:18 My your favorite chat site: thirtysomething lounge | Comments: Hi shoott just stopped to check it out! |
Trisha - 11/23/98 00:33:54 My URL: My your favorite chat site: 30 lounge | Comments: Hey Shoot!!! Neat homepage! I really enjoy chatting with you in the lounge, you are one of the few, true gentlemen around! Take care! Trish |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
ITSJUSME™ - 10/08/98 01:23:29 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS thirty-something lounge your favorite sci-fi book: A Wrinkle in Time | Comments: Cool site......liked the code..... ![]() |
Cindy - 09/23/98 03:32:40 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Diane - 08/18/98 21:54:03 your favorite chat site: thirtysomething lounge your favorite sci-fi book: don't read....but love Star Trek | Comments: I have not signed I have...hehehe... so how long do I have to wait for the money or for you to come here?.....hehehehe......days???? weeks?????months/??????or years?????? Raspberry101 |
Spike39 - 08/17/98 19:54:14 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS 30 Something Lounge your favorite sci-fi book: uh.............. | Comments: Hey Shootr!!!... good job getting the page going. I think I put my URL in there correctly. It's been great chatting with and playin around in the lounge. Take care bud!!! |
DieterLilly - 08/12/98 21:51:25 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS 30thing your favorite sci-fi book: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Comments: *kaboom*! harrruuumph!! hehehee.. we made it!! LOL kisses..LOL DieterLilly |
Susan Guess - 08/11/98 22:39:39 My your favorite chat site: thritysomething lounge your favorite sci-fi book: A short story read over 30 years ago.. | Comments: Very nice page!! I'm so glad we meet in the lounge, you made many a dreary morning a lot brighter!!! **HUGE HUGS** |
Frank (The Mel Man) - 08/10/98 19:59:39 My | Comments: Well here I am, but now that I'm here, I'm faced with one little bitty old fear I can't think of any cute phrase, word, or song So I'll just sign off and then move along. |
Damion - 08/10/98 18:58:30 My your favorite chat site: 30something lounge your favorite sci-fi book: Anything by Steve King | Comments: Shoottxns, what a dude, WHAT a dude |
trish - 08/09/98 22:11:55 My URL: | Comments: Shoot!!!!!! I did it, finally made it here as promised!!!!!!! You are a super sweet man, and I love chatting with you in the lounge!! *hugs* Keep being you!! Trish |
Lovelylin - 08/09/98 21:25:28 My your favorite chat site: Thirtysomething Lounge | Comments: Hi,Sweetie: Glad to have met you. You are a very special person.*hugs* |
Lori Lynn - 08/09/98 21:11:42 My your favorite chat site: WBS your favorite sci-fi book: Repent Harliquin Said The Ticktock Man by Harlan Ellison | Comments: All righty, You asked me to do this so here it goes. Hope this posting finds you doing well. I'm finally up and out of bed before the library closed, so I get the chance to chat a little bit. Speaking of chatting, I'm really looking forward to seeing your page once it's up. I need a few new chat places.! |
Mary - 08/09/98 20:47:51 My your favorite chat site: 30something lounge your favorite sci-fi book: NONE | Comments: Hi handsome!!!!! A nice homepage and it's nice to see what you actually look like. You have been a great friend to me and Low. HUGS!!!!! Mary |
Koko39 - 08/09/98 20:21:05 My your favorite chat site: 30 something lounge | Comments: Great homepage! *VBS* Been great chatting with you in the lounge and hope to get to know you better...*VBS* |
TheLadyK - 08/09/98 20:15:47 My URL: My your favorite chat site: 30something lounge your favorite sci-fi book: uhhhh..... | Comments: I really enjoy chatting with you! You're so funny and nice! Thanks for being my chat friend! *S* *H* |
mags - 08/06/98 18:32:48 My URL:http://yeahright your favorite chat site: da lounge your favorite sci-fi book: fahrenheit 451 | Comments: shoot...nice're such a doll...always so friendly and funny....and always in a good mood...I enjoy our chats in the lounge....take care, doll! |
Juliet - 08/06/98 17:41:42 My your favorite chat site: wbs thirtysomething lounge your favorite sci-fi book: Ender's Game | Comments: Good.. |
Bonnie aka Needlin - 08/05/98 21:46:12 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS | Comments: Hi Shoot! Its been really nice meeting you in 30's Lounge..*S* You were one of the first people to welcome me in and feel at home, and I cant thank you enough! See you in chat! *hugs* Bonnie |
Shandril - 08/05/98 21:30:56 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS 30's Lounge your favorite sci-fi book: Dragon Lance & Forgotten Realms | Comments: Nice Page!! way cool Shoot!! *S* |
maggielpn - 08/04/98 23:01:34 My your favorite chat site: WBS | Comments: Well I signed your book now! Thanks for always saying hi!*hugs* & a KISS!!! |
Virtu@l Rose - 08/04/98 20:45:51 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS and Mplayer your favorite sci-fi book: That varies...LOL | Comments: Hey Shoot, nice page...thanks for inviting me! *S* |
The Real Hipster - 08/04/98 20:00:12 My URL:http://Lost.In.Space My your favorite chat site: WBS Thirty Lounge your favorite sci-fi book: My Favorite Martian | Comments: One guy I'm really glad i've had the pleasure to meet...... Thanks Shooter.. your way cool. |
Nurse4baby - 08/04/98 19:48:08 your favorite chat site: You already know your favorite sci-fi book: Cutter reads them not me. | Comments: Hey Hun! Nice homepage. Now do mine!*LOL* |
SILK KIMONO - 08/04/98 19:47:15 My your favorite sci-fi book: DRAGON PRINCE | Comments: It has been a great pleasure to have met you. You are indeed one of the few true gentlemen on this silly media we call chat. May peace, joy and happiness follow you where-ever the road of life leads you ((HUGS)) |
Tanya - 08/02/98 01:33:31 My URL: My your favorite chat site: Lounge your favorite sci-fi book: Good Question...*LOL* | Comments: Well hey there darlin.... bout time u put a guestbook here somewhere *LOL* *Hugs* Always a pleasure chatting with ya!!! Take care...And I'm sure we'll be running into each other in the Lounge soon *LOL* Tanya!!!! |
Tracey aka I am Simply Me - 08/02/98 01:20:45 My URL: My your favorite chat site: WBS - Thirtysomething Lounge your favorite sci-fi book: hmmmmmmmmm thinking | Comments: *S* hello schatz.. great homepage. Both are great and I look forward to seeing them as the are updated. I also look forward to chatting with everyday. Hug and kub. liebe Tracey |