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The universe of X-Files fan fiction is vast and varied, and I suspect many readers will agree that finding the really good stories can at times be a challenge. Naturally, my hope is that visitors to this website will be pleased with what they find here, but I also would like to point readers in the direction of fanfic authors that I particularly admire. I intend to begin with a short list of recommendations, and gradually expand this page with time. Of course, as one who enjoys MSR fiction, I will tend to make recommendations within that genre, but there are some exceptions.... |
Authors (listed in alphabetical order)
I daresay the writers listed here hardly need my endorsement, and indeed, most are already quite well known in the fanfic world. But if you are new to XF fan fiction, you cannot do better than to start with the names listed here. These are the writers and stories that I most respect and most wish I could emulate, and from which I at times derive the most frustration, knowing my own limitations. If you don't know these works, read them. You won't be sorry.
Rachel Howard -- one of the most gifted authors in all of X-Files fan fiction, Rachel writes stories that are marked by excellent prose, first-rate characterization, and intriguing plot-lines. I honestly don't think you can go wrong with any of her stories, but I'll particularly point to her novel Above Rubies, which I think is her best effort, as well as her rather dark and atmospheric story Eclipse. Rachel also has an interesting post-"Gethsemane" story entitled Point of Origin, which is the best I've read of its kind, as well as numerous other stories and vignettes, all well worth reading.
Khyber -- another gifted author, Khyber writes some of the most lyrical and indeed spectacularly beautiful prose of any fanfic author I've read. His story Reach is absolutely sublime, with numerous passages that are simply poetic and characterization that stands head and shoulders above the crowd. Khyber's other works are all quite good, but I'll particularly note Heresy -- my favorite post-"Pine Bluff Variant" story -- and Day 17, which is erotica of a simply electrifying nature.
Dawson Rambo -- this is an author who is probably most famous for intricate and suspenseful plots and long, involved novels, but he also has written numerous short stories and vignettes which explore a remarkable range of moods and emotions. His novel ELS is perhaps his most remarkable work, but one would do well to sample his many other stories, some of which are attributed to his alter-ego XFBandit. Check out Aphasic, Duplicity, Porcelain, and Servare Vitas, just for starters.
Karen Rasch -- This author hardly needs any introduction from me, as she has long been one of the best known and most prolific authors in XF fandom. Nevertheless, I would like to at least point a few newcomers in her direction. Karen's stories are invariably interesting and address a wide range of issues raised by the always-incomplete canon; I think she's well-known for her skill in writing dialogue, but I've also been most attracted by the emotional richness of her stories. Three Little Words was one of the first fanfics I ever read, and I still recall it fondly. I also would recommend her Wonderland stories, but really you won't go wrong with any of her works.
Vehemently -- one of the few authors on my list of favorites who is not primarily an MSR writer, Vehemently's stories are so well-written and well-crafted that they inevitably stand out. My favorite of her works is her quasi-MSR Sovereignty Trilogy -- Scatter, Signals, and Sufferance -- but she also has a number of shorter works that are excellent. Vehemently has also written the only Scully/Krycek story that I find at all persuasive: Oak Leaves in October. And believe me, writing even semi-believable S/K is quite an achievement, in my view.
Stories (listed in alphabetical order)
Iolokos -- This is actually a story series by Mustang Sally and RivkaT. These two writers are very gifted, and while I have mixed feelings about some of their stories, I absolutely loved this series. It's fascinating, complex, erotic, twisted, frustrating, horrifying, and impossible to put down. I know of no other fanfic story that is anything like it. Dive in and be ready for a wild ride.