The Historic Albany
Rural Cemetery
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to find directions from your location to Albany
Rural Cemetery. For the Cemetery entrance, just enter the intersection
of 377 and 378 in Menands NY. One of the Cemetery's entrances is directly across
from this Intersection.
The letters below are marked on the map. These maps are available at the entrances
to the Cemetery for Free!

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- Office
- South Gate
- Flower Bed
- Chapel-Crematorium-Mausoleum
- In 1886, President Chester Alan Arthur, the 21st President of the
United States, was interred at Albany Rural Cemetery. The lot had been purchased
by his father, the Reverend Willam Arthur. His memorial was designed by Ephriam
Keyser and dedicated on June 15, 1889. Friends of the Presidnet contributed
a fun that provided $10,000 for the memorial and for a statue that was erected
in New York City. (Lot 8 Section-24)
- John Van Buren, son of President Martin Van Buren is buried along
with his wife, Harriet. John Van Buren, a handsome attorney knwn as "Prince
John" died at sea on October 13, 1866, while on the voyage from Liverpool
to New York. His Grave is Marked by an Italion Marble Cross. (Lot 28 Section-62)
- A doric column, 36 feet in height, commemorates General Philip Schuyler,
Major General in the Continental Army, Delegate to the Continental Congress,
and one of the first two United States Senators elected from NY. (Lot 2 Section-29)
- The last Dutch Patroon, General Stephen Van Renselaer, Died in 1839
and was founder of the scientific school which later became Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. (Lot 1 Section-14)
- Also the Van Rensselaer plot is William Paterson, who was one of
the Constitution of the United States, U.S. Senator and Governor of New Jersey.
Paterson, also became Associate Justice oflthe Supreme Court and served until
his death in 1806. (Lot 1 Section-14)
- Daniel Manning, who died in 1887 was a journalist, politician and
a banker, served as Secretary of the Treasury under President Grover Cleveland.
(Lot 5 Section-27)
- Erastus Dow Palmer, a world Reowned sculptor, worked in an Albany
studio producing statuary and portrait busts for many years before he died
in 1904. He produced two Statues ehich are on exhibit at the U.S. Capital
Building in Wasington D.C.; the Robert Livingston Statue and "Peace in Bondage".
(Lot 15 Section-34)
- Several of Mr. Palmer's works adorn markrs at the Cemetery, one of which
is titled "The Angle at the Sepulchre" which is located on the Banks
plot. (Lot 1 Section-31)
- Erastus Dow Palmer, also desinged the ganite Monument at the grave of William
Learned Marcy a U.S. Senator and Governor of New York for 3 terms. Marcy,
also served as Secretart of War under President Polk and Secretary oflthel
State under President Pierce. When he died in 1857, relatives recalled that
Marcy "frequently expressed the wish to be buried where he had spent so much
time in reading and in contemplation". (Lot 94 Section-62)
- Located on a large circular plot is Erastus Corning, founder and
President onf the New York Central Railroad, mayor of Albany, State Senator
and Democratic Congressman. Also on the plot is Erastus Corning 2nd., who
served as Mayor of Albany for 41 years, he died in 1983. (Lot 2 Section-31)