Todd McFarlane
The Story
Curse Of The Spawn

Yes !!!, here above you can see the one and only HELLSPAWN, an officer in training for the army of the Malebolgia. These names might sound like chinese to you, but all will become very clear soon.......
The storyline of Spawn is not an easy one, it involves a former hitman for the CIA, All simmons, who is set up by his boss: Jason Wynn, the man who also orders his execution. His love for his wife made him return on earth by selling his soul to the devil (the Malebolgia). Back on earth he learns
that his wife is remarried to his best friend Terry Fitzgerald and that they have a little girl named Cyan. On his quest to frame his murderer and former boss, Spawn struggles through his new existence and encounters a lot of enemies but also makes some new friends in the NY alleyways. If you want to know all the latest about the storyline go to The Story page and find out !! The creator of Spawn is named Todd Mcfarlance and he is one hell of an artist, to find out more about him go to the Todd McFarlane page. Maybe you 'lookin for some nice pics to lighten up that desktop of yours ? Go to the Picture page.
More than 70 issues of Spawn bring along a lot of interesting side-characters....but the story has to go on and so Todd has set the light on green for a montly ongoing off-spring series, named Curse Of The Spawn. It is more dark than the usual Spawn and a lot of interesting guestwriters, inkers and drawers have been invited to make the book more than beautifull.... Characters like Tony Twist, Sam and Twitch and Angela have their own 2, 3 or 4 issues, quite interesting because the Spawn-fan learns the origin of these characters and what makes them tick. OK, now you are ready to begin your Spawn journey, when you are done here visit my link page for more interesting Spawn pages.