Chris Carter

Some of this info was supplied to me by Kay Jeunhomme
13/06: Movie-sequel(s): There will be a movie franchise, not just a sequel- a series of movies....AND they will not be mythology-based, but character-driven standalones. (Note: this gives us reason to believe that, at the end of the series, all of the mythology will pretty much be wrapped up.
13/06: Season 7: I was chatting with a few people who claim they know what will happen. These guys are real because they have told me about past things and they were right. Ok, they say that in the season opener, Scully will recover the puzzle pieces, if you will, from Kyrcek. Skinner will betray Kyrcek and help Scully dig up the spacescraft that she found. Inside she will find more pieces and the "puzzle" will be complete. I'll try to get more info.
13/06: Season 7: Stephen King revealed during an interview with Shudder magazine (a UK horror zine) that he may be writing another script for the X-Files TV series. Meanwhile, during an interview with BBC Channel 4’s Big Breakfast program, X-creator Chris Carter confirmed that such was the case. They both also revealed that the man they want to direct the episode is none other than George Romero! According to King, the episode he’s writing (or wants to write) pays homage to Romero’s classic Night of the Living Dead… and is likely to be named after that film. I’ll see what else I can dig up and get back to you ASAP.
20/03: B.R.M (6X19): I'm told that DD is not in this episode at all (unless they do something like the five
second phone-answering cameo he did in Christmas Carol). But it's more likely he
won't be in it even that much. He's too busy prepping his own ep (the one he's
written and directed). Early buzz on that, btw, is that it's pretty good.
20/03: B.R.M (6X19): "B.R.M." is about nano-technology being manufactured as Biological Response
Modifiers, to help treat cancer. But their pupose, we find out, is not to help
destroy the malignant cells in cancerous tissue... but something much different.
The Lone Gunmen figure this out once Suzanne Modeski (sp?) come back --
presenting them with this conspiracy. There will be a buch of geeks that make
guest appearances (source: Casting sheet). Casting is now on, and details of the
episode are, as usual, subject to change.
20/03: B.R.M (6X19): Several promising new approaches to the treatment of cancer are being taken. In
one, biological agents known as Biological Response Modifiers ( "B.R.M.") are used
to modify the response of the body to cancer. Another approach involves
biological agents that stimulate certain cells, which can then attack the malignant
cells. A "sequel" of sorts to the popular Unusual Suspects, involving nano-technology!
20/03: Milagro (6X18): Milagro features more trouble in Mulderland. One of his neighbors is working on "the
story of his life," but his creations came to life--and they're not nice. One of them
comes to life and is able to kill his victims vai "psychic surgery." One of his victims
gets his/her heart cut out. YUM. Oh, and this "creation" looks exactly like the neighbor it was created by."
20/03: Trevor (6X17): Mulder and Scully travel to a sleeply town in Mississippi where a tornado has
affected a man who has the power to walk through walls
20/03: Trevor (6X17): This is the tornado episode----it has cars with Mississippi plates and
some Cajun type restaurants. It is being directed by Rob Bowman.
20/03: Alpha (6X16): From DanaKat: Ep#16 is currently titled "Alpha" Don't know much about it, except it
was filmed in San Pedro, and it deals with a wild dog, and a man
getting into his car and finding the dog in it, and another man finding
the dog chewing on a severed human hand. Hmmm....yummy. Its
directed by Peter Markle. I have a call sheet for it, when they were
filming it last Wednesday, and most of the stuff it calls for is for a wild
dog, and "Stumpy-the right hand stump" (That's seriously what it says
on the call sheet.) and it all seems to take place in a shipyard
20/03: Arcadia (6X13): That old married couple Mulder and Scully go under cover as ... an old married couple, as
they try and infiltrate a supernatural - phenomena - plagued gated community.
12/01: Arcadia (6X13): -Jess says this is about Garbage Monsters and doesn't seem to impressed with the idea.
-Spotnitz says it will be a fun ep .
-the plot seems to fit the fun visual effect filled episode.
12/01: Two fathers/One son (6X11 - 6X12): In the February mythology episodes, things look bad for our girl Marita. Let me rephrase that, Marita is looking bad.
Seems her time in the tender care of the bad guys has been, well, nasty. She is covered with scars and looks like a drug addict after being experiment girl.
Things are really bad .... how bad? Blackened teeth bad. So bad that Mulder doesn't recognized her at first.
She is also a real shadow of herself personality wise -- frightened to be seen with Mulder, frightened by Krycek. Things are so bad she hopes for help from, gasp, Spender.
12/01: X-Files’ Revised?
A story in the December 24th edition of the New York Post reported a number of points regarding the current season of The X-Files, particularly that plans are afoot to clean up continuity, something that was promised and not kept by last summer’s movie. The Insider spoke to his own source familiar with The X-Files who addressed each point of the Post story confirming and/or shooting down what they allege.
The Post story alleges:
1) ...that the show will go through a major revision courtesy of a two-part story set for February sweeps that will clean up continuity as well as tying up loose ends. Our source confirms this to be the case, though it’s more likely that there will still be some loose ends left.
2) ...that two major cast members will die. My source wouldn't reveal who will appear to die, but says they won't be dead and that we should all think in terms of the alleged death of the Cigarette Smoking Man last year.
3) ...that Scully will finally become a "true believer" now believing in everything that Mulder has been for years. Our source tells us that this isn’t the case at all. Scully will maintain her skeptical edge even though she certainly realizes that there are powers at play, though not necessarily extraterrestrial in her mind.
4) ...that a new alien menace, called "faceless aliens," pop up who "seem to be helping us, but that just may be because they are trying to thwart the other aliens." They aren’t new though. My source reminded me that we’ve seen these creatures in the season 5 two-parter "Patient X/The Red and the Black" story.
5) ...that the truth about Samantha Mulder’s abduction will be revealed. My source says "no."
6) ...that the people Alex Krycek works for will finally be revealed. The answer I received was a simple "sort of" after which they promptly reminded me of the nature of the program and its numerous twists and turns.
12/01: S.R 819 (6x10): Felled during a boxing workout, Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) is taken to a hospital, where he checks out as OK---except for a phone call stating, "It's in you," and he has 24 hours to live.
12/01: Rain King (6X07): From AF on the message boards:
Some of us happen to think Rain King is very nice. Sweet. Perfect File for a Valentine's Day, if a little offbeat for otherwise. Closer to a Darin Morganish take on "the Relationship" than anything offbeat that CC has come up with. And some very nice dialogue . But I forgive that because of the scene on the dance floor afterwards. And because of Scully's reaction to the idea of *Mulder* of all people trying to give dating advice. And a host of other very nice touches.
12/01: Tithonus (6X09): Scully is taken off their usual scut work . Kersh calls her in offering her a case that looks like an X File. He offers it to her and her alone -- Mulder isn't along for this ride.
Instead of doing the cheesy Mulder's angry at Scully or making a pest of himself (ala Teliko), he instead sits at home and eats his heart out at her trip to NY. He also provides assistance to Scully throughout. Think of his role like Scully's in Folie. There on back up, not on the front line.
In NY, a crime scene photographer is believed to be more involved with crime scenes than just taking pictures. Scully is teamed with a young FBI agent who is eager and ambitious but green. He is no Tom Colton in his ambition, no Jeffrey Spender. Just a reasonable guy looking to do a great job.
Again, this works well for me because we already have the anti-Mulder in Spender and we don't need an NY version of it. It is also nice of them to show an FBI agent who just wants to do a good job and doesn't have 16 hidden agendas and connections to bad guys.
While investigating the case, Scully grows close to the photographer. Not close in a romantic way. Close in that they have some nice conversations. Nice, well written and my guess is beautifully acted since we know that talents of GA and if the rumor about the photographer casting is true, that guy can act as well (I'm not 100% sure on the actor so I'll keep quiet right now).
Mulder checks him (the photographer) out. He's over 100 years old. Scully doesn't believe it immediately, but the old man makes a good case about being that old.
He also makes a good case about living that long is not all it is cracked up to be. That life is more than being alive -- life is love, friends, etc. If life is about this, than he's left that all behind 75, 80 years ago.
Scully listens to him and at least gives him the benefit of the doubt that maybe, just maybe, he is 100+ years old. This goes with the character development that we've seen over the years -- she is opening her self to extreme possibilities.
Through his own eagerness, young FBI guy makes a tragic mistake after being warned by Mulder -- who couldn't find Scully -- not to do anything rash.
Scully pays for that rash behavior.
12/01: Terms of endearment (6X06): After an ultrasound reveals abnormal growths on her fetus, the expectant mother dreams that a demonic figure takes the child, which is also a demon. The woman then awakens covered in blood---and is no longer pregnant
02/12: How the Ghosts stole Christmas (episode 8):From Autumn T: The actual title of this episode is:
"How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" and in my opinion the script is hilarious and creepy.
I've been waiting for a good Mulder and Scully in a haunted house story for a long time. Written and
directed by creator Chris Carter
02/12:The Rain King (episode 7): From Andy: "The Rain King" Holman Hardt has been repressing his feelings
for Sheila Fontaine for 20 years. The weather changes according to his feelings. Mulder
and Scully "sleep together." Involves a cow falling through the roof. Mulder sleeps on a
02/12:Tithonus (episode 9): From Andy: "Tithonus" A photographer sees people in color, but people
who are about to die in black-and-white. He follows those people around and takes
pictures of them. Scully gets attached to him. Looks like one of the best ep's so far !!!
02/12:S.R 819 (episode 10): From a usually reliable source that wishes to go unnamed: I have been hearing some bad
things about 10 I saw two scenes shot last night Skinner busting down a door with a
gun in his hand They kept spraying him with water so he would be sweaty( he is
infected).He did about 10 takes and finally on the 11th he hit the door so hard he
busted down the hinges .He fell through the door his gun went one way ,his glasses the
other and he hit the floor HARD and rolled twice.All the crew said at once," thats a take"
It was pretty funny and when Mitch got up he was laughing but he was also rubbing his
shoulder. The second was Mulder chasing the gunmen he and Skinner where after down
an alley and grabbing one of the guys off a go cart/dune buggy type thing and throwing
him to the ground. It was getting late by this time and I had to leave but MItch was in
makeup getting "heavy makeup" because he gets hit or pistol whipped by the gunmen
and starts to bleed(a lot) form the injuries and then I guess the virus /germ he is
infected with causes his neck veins to rupture was the description I got.Pretty gory from
what I gathered It really doesn't sound good for the AD
02/12:S.R 819 (episode 10): From Jenna: I have an acquaintance who is working as a PA on the show
this last week. Wasn't able to get too much info, but apparently, Skinner has some kind
of disease, and Mulder goes to visit Senator Matheson at his house, to try to help
Skinner. So we have a nice bit of continuity with the return of the Senator.
02/12:S.R 819: From Jesse: Episode 10 is a Skinner based story. He is poisoned and has 24
Hours to live.... and he's trying to find out who poisoned him. Needless to say he is in
episode 11, so obviously he doesn't die...
23/11: Season 6 ratings: Well, the ratings of the premiere weren't as large as expected.
The X Files came in 9th with a total of 20.3 million viewers. Now,
compared to the premieres of the 3rd through 5th season premieres, this was
low (The others always came in the top 5). The task the show had to pull of
was, get back long-time fans who were disappointed after the movie, and make
sure the non-fans who saw the movie, knew there was also a show.
23/11: Chris Carter said that they are going to try to start filming the sequel to the movie in
the spring so they would still have enough time to start prep-work on the 7th
season and not have to rush it. Now, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have
both signed on to do the sequel, but another problem arises, Duchovny has
signed on to do the movie "Return to Me" which was also planning to start
filming this spring. Well, most likely, "Return to Me" will film after the
sequel is filmed, or "RTM" will find a new actor to replace Duchovny. We will
just have to wait and see what happens.
23/11: If you want the script for the season openener "the beginning" just mail me and I'll send it to you !!
12/11: The Beginning: The season opener aired last fridaynight in the states, a detailed transcript will be available
11/11: The Beginning: From The Daily Buzz: Picking up where last season's cliffhanger and the feature film left
off, The X-Files opens its sixth season on Fox on Sunday. Nov. 8 at 9 p.m. (ET/PT) .
Gibson Praise, the young chess prodigy from last season's final episode, is in trouble
again and FBI agent Diana Fowley (Mimi Rogers) tries to protect him, while the
partnership of Mulder and Scully is threatened.
11/11: Rain King: From the News Groups someone reported that Victoria Jackson was on a radio interview
and said she kissed Mulder in this episode. This was confirmed by LC Fenster on the
Spoilerville Mailing list who said the following "...her character, Sheila, kisses Mulder
in The Rain King, and in context, it's very, very funny..Nobody said that Mulder
kissed her. She kisses Mulder. And, as I said before, context is important. I don't
know if I would describe it as a heartwarming look at the M/Sc relationship, but in
Darin Morgan-style, it gently pokes fun at the relationship, but in a very
affectionate manner." Autumn T. from the News Groups had this to say about this
episode "Looks like even though they have filmed this episode they are going to
shuffle the order and make "Rain King" the Valentine's Day episode".
11/11: Rain King: There is currently a lot of info about this episode, though some of it is contradicting, i
will post all the info we have and then you can all decide what you want to believe. From deja news we find:" the wherever people that send me e-mail they say (EP 7 is
Rain King - A heartwarming episode which also looks at the Mulder/Scully relationship.
Rumored that Mulder & Scully visit a high school reunion, possibly Mulder's 20th. Air
Date: 1999)" from hwn on spoilerville:"It's beginning to look like Mulder and Scully do go to a 20th high
school reunion in "The Rain King" and, coincidently, this would be the year for Mulder's
20th reunion. But it seems that they end up at a reunion in the midwest (not Mulder's)
while tracking down a man with one-leg (who is the King of Rain?!?). Anyway, Mulder
and Scully find themselves in a room where dancing is taking place. And that's about it.
Allegedly. Whether this inspires Mulder to go to his own reunion is pure speculationville."
he also said Valentines day falls on a Sunday in 1999, make of that what you will :)
From Shann :"FWIW, a friend of a friend was an extra during the shooting of "Rain King,"
and as far as I know, the reunion is not Mulder's. For that matter, from what this extra
says, it isn't Scully's either. As far as I'm concerned, spoilers are simply rumors until
someone I trust has either been on the set, seen the script, or watched the episode.
11/11: Dreamland: From X-Informant: There is an LGM appearance, Frohike calls Morris (The MIB that Mulder
switches places with) a "punkass". Best scene: Morris trying to open the champagne as
him and Scully sit on Mulder's bed Scully aims her gun at Morris.
Morris:Baby? Scully:You baby me, you'll be peeing through a catheter.
Morris:"This guy hasn't been laid in ten years!"
11/11: Ghost Ship: From Paula Graves as posted on aol, Paula has not seen the episode, but she has read
the script and talked extensively about it with two people who have seen the ep, and
this is her take on it, warning, this comes from a Shipper prespective, if your not a
shipper you can probably skip this: Well, it was just occurring to me, last night, as I thought over the two kisses, that they
parallel each other. In Act 2, Scully's desperation about Mulder's fate escalates to the
point that she does a LOT of things seemingly out of character. Kissing Skinner is only
one of those things. Which is how we know, when Scully DOES kiss Skinner to thank him
for helping her find Mulder, the kiss has EVERYTHING to do with her feelings for Mulder,
not Skinner. Later, near the end, when Mulder kisses the 1939NotScully, that kiss is ALL about his
feelings for the real Scully, as will be evident in context. So we have two kisses---one with the real Scully and one with the real Mulder---that
are all about the other. It's like a way for Mulder and Scully to express
their feelings for each other through kisses, albeit with stand-ins. They provide a
balance, an expression of both characters' love for each other, rather than just Mulder's.
But where Scully's kiss to Skinner is brief and fast, Mulder's kiss to the NotScully is long and
thorough--because where Skinner is a means for Scully to get to Mulder, NotScully may
well be Mulder's last chance to plant his lips on his own Scully.
05/10: ALLRIGHT, finally it happens, one of my all-time favorite actors, BRUCE CAMPBELL is starring in an x-files episode, it's called 'terms of endearment' and he is supposed to play a demon with a heart of gold, what else could we have expected !!!
05/10: Marcelle visited the X-FILES set while they were filming the linking scenes between dreamland I and II, click here if you want to be heavily spoiled !!!
05/10: on this site you can read a very detailed synopsys from "dreamland II"
11/19: Drive (episode 2 - S6): Read a transcript from this episode by clicking here
11/09: Dreamland (episode 4 - S6) Apparently this is a two part comedy episode, which is rumored to be the episode set at Area 51
11/09: Ghost Ship (episode 3 - S6) GA plays a Scully look alike in this episode, and yes it is the Scully look alike that gets kissed. But she also plays the Scully we all know. And it is the REAL Scully that Mulder says "I love you" to at the end of the episode. She says "Oh brother" and walks away and they fade out (as a reply to the I love you from Mulder) (but Mulder is half unconscious at the moment he says the words)
11/09: C. Carter said the animosity between Mulder and the Syndicate will change. He adds that a sub-plot involving Mulder's sister will be incorporated, and hinted at an X-Files-Millenium crossover, though nothing has been firmed up.
11/09: The season six premiere picks up plot threads from this summer's movie-including the near kiss between Mulder(David Duchovny) and Scully(Gillian Anderson). "No one is pretending it didn't happen," says exec. producer Frank Spotinitz. "There's a new awareness of how they feel about each other."
11/09:No one is pretending the show's not shooting in a new location, either (The production moved from Vancouver to LA so Duchovny could be near wife Tea Leoni). "We're tying to take advantage os stories you can tell in a warmer weather climate," says Spotinitz. "Our first comedy two-parter is set in Area 51 in Nevada, which is something we never could have done in Vancouver."
11/09:Mimi Rodgers will reprise her role from last season's finale as a mysterious FBI agent, and James Pickens Jr. joins the recurring cast as new assistant director Kersh. Don't worry rabid Mitch Pileggi fans, You have not seen the last of Skinner
01/09: View some pics from the shooting of the episode 'Ghost Ship' (courtesy of the x-file's haven for the FBI's most unwanted)
01/09: Entertainment Tonight aired a behind the scenes look at the filming of the third episode of the US Season Six, in the episode Mulder dreams back in time and it was revealed that he kisses a woman that looks just like scully though she is not scully...played by Gillian. Another version is that Mulder was examinating the 'bermuda triangle' and get's warped into the year X, where all the other characters from the X-FILES play different roles/people and interact with Mulder
01/09: Season 6 begins in the states on 11/09/1998 and the first episode is named 'The Beginning', followed by 'Driven', 'Ghost ship' and 'Dreamland'
19/08...CC has revealed extra scenes will be added when the film is eventually issued on DVD including ones dealing with Samantha's abduction and perhaps even the origunal ending, which according to DD was "between me and CSM." He says it had to be changed for the cinema because "New viewers knew he was bad because they'd seen him in the movie, but they didn't understand why I had such an intimate relationship with him, So it ended up being Scully and I. You get the same information, it's just less confusing."
19/08...I now have THE X-FILES MOVIE SCRIPT
16/08: FOR ALL THE LATEST RUMORS ABOUT THE X-FILES UPCOMING EPISODES GO HERE !! (it's amazing, where did they get all this latest information ???)
15/08: For a Couple of months now, I've been hooked on to this rather interesting newsletter about the X-FILES, it is written in Dutch and most people participating in it are also from Holland, It's called the DMSD (Dutch Mulder & Scully digest) and for Belgian people it's very interesting because in Holland they are further ahead than we are. In Holland the movie is already a while in the theatres and the 'the end' video is also being released for quite a while's interesting to read what other people think about the X-FILES, the emotions between Scully and Mulder, and (what I think is the most important) of course the black cancer, the consortium, Kryceck, etc.....
You can find a link to this interesting newsletter on my LINKS page
13/8: The release date for the X-FILES movie in Belgium is Oktober 14.