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All Out War live at magasin4 !!!

Copyright © 1998 - Picture by ringmaster

First of.... Let me tell you a little story....for me, hardcore is not a lifetime commitment, it's something that I stumbled into by listening to metal and hip-hop....I liked the mosh parts and the messages in the lyrics. All of a sudden I found myself going to shows and making a lot of new friends. The coolest thing about these shows were the violent moshpits without people getting hurt, I soon found out that there was a dancestyle and that moronic Torhout-Wechter behaviour didn't belong there, finally I found something I could relate to....some of my friends couldn't face the fact that I was listening to such 'bs' but they accepted it, which is what friendship is all about right ? Lately there has been some troubles because some people are taking all of this WAY too seriously......a good friend of mine, Marc, decided to get involved in the scene and started writing his own zine called 'Braveheart', he was glad he could do something for the scene and was satisfied when he got his money back. Later on he created his own record label (BHRecords) and released two 7" with A Way Of Life and a split with One Last Sin and Withdrawn....all of this involved quite a bit of dollar amount (1000$ - 1500$). For the 7" he got his money back but the distribution of the zines became way to difficult and some people ripped him of, so he got dissapointed in the scene and stopped with everything. All I want to say is that before you judge people like Ward 'Goodlife' and Bruno 'Phyrrus' to be capitalistic businessmen you gotta think that there are more bastards out there trying to rip you off then there are nice people, so you gotta have a little bit of 'businessman' inside of you otherwise you don't survive. Another initiative I found inspiring is the S.O.M.C (support online machocore) by the SCC-Crew, they are tired 'bout all the bullshit lately around violent dancing and they want the good-old days back when everybody was slamming and moshing into eachother without having to care for those people-you-can't-run-into-because-otherwise-they-get mad.... Only one word for those people, STAY OUTTA THE PIT..., when you go in there, you know you comin' out with bumps and bruises. If you wanna be safe from all that, go to some fruity festival like Pinkpop but stay away from real hardcore shows. I leave ya'll with the Jerry-thought: Take care of yourself,...and eachother !!!! Don't take hardcore to seriously, it's all about having plain 'ol fun !!!
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