Waste World

Ranger Firebase Alpha

Welcome to the Rangers

A world without hope. A war without mercy. That's the world we live in. The air is poisonous. The seas are dead. Mutants roam the poisoned wastes. Mechanized barbarians plunder the scattered settlements. Sentient death machines stalk the survivors. The ultimate power source, drakonium, is becoming rarer and rarer with each passing year. In the last of the megacities, five warrior civilizations prepare for doomsday.

Somebody has to hold it together. That's what we're for.

Welcome to the Rangers. Welcome to Firebase Alpha.

As far as I know, this may be the last Ranger outpost on Avernus. We've been out of contact with headquarters for months. The central Ranger datacore isn't responding when we try to contact it. But we're still Rangers. We're the toughest sentients on Waste World, and we still have a job to do. So if you think you think you've got what it takes, we've got a place for you.

Cpl. Riard Kand,
Acting Commander, Firebase Alpha,

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Ranger Field Manual

The purpose of this manual is to try and keep you alive out in the Wastes. Although it is a useful tool, and one which you will refer to often during your time with the Rangers, it is no substitute for experience. It is nothing more than a guide to Avernus, and some of the things you can expect to encounter.

UPDATES: Last Update 22 October 2002









Founded 10 July 1999.

Waste World is a trademark of Manticore Productions Limited.
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The image "neon.gif" was obtained from The Savage Future.

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