What's New?
Updated 6 November 1999
Walking The Planes
A collection of useful facts,
lore, rumors,
and trivia, compiled from the journals of
Reputable Planeswalkers
![]() So, why a book? Surely any blood worth the chant would use a mimir, right? Books are unwieldy, and prone to destruction. Mimirs are nearly undestructable, and a body doesn't need an index to use one. Very true. But mimirs are also loud and highly visible. Any body who can read can use a book quietly. I dare you to find a quiet mimir. Also, books are cheaper. Not to mention the fact that they make good kindling if you get desperate... So tuck into the book; you laid out the jink for it, after all. Enjoy. Learn. Keep it with you. it's thick enough to stop an arrow, if you get shot.
Krorin Lightbringer,
![]() Table of Contents 1. Burgs - being a discussion of the many places Primes and Planers live, describing the peculiarities of the known sites of the Planes and the even greater peculiarities of the less-known and unknown sites.
2. Bloods - being a description of the intelligent beings that may be encountered upon one's travels through the Planes, including notes on the cultures of the known races and descriptions of the races which are not so well known. Also being a description of the individuals which one may encounter on one's travels. 3. Beasts - being a description of the flora and fauna one ay encounter while journying throughout the Planes, with especial consideration given to those which may pose a particular threat to travelers. 4. Rules - being a compilation of methods by which one may understand the functioning of the Planes, including the underlying nature of reality itself. (Particularly, a number of optional rules for use in Planescape or any other AD&D campaign world.)
![]() Wanna take a portal outa here? Links are right here. Or, just go back to Richard Gant's Gaming Ghetto.
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