Shower Tweeters Page
It's funny because I have read conflicting advice from many people about how parrots like or dislike water or showers. Some books say to lightly mist your birds, or leave a bowl of water on the floor of the cage, or let them bathe in your kitchen sink.
One thing that all the "parrot" information places say is that bathing is good for parrots. It keeps their feathers in good shape, and their skin moisturized. It also helps when they are moulting to soften the sheaths of the feather quills.
When I first got Petee my Senegal, she being my very first parrot, I wondered how she would want to bathe.
The first few times, I put her in the kitchen sink, and lightly misted her with a brand new spray bottle. She didn't seem to mind it much. So then this light misting graduated into a light spray from the kitchen fawcet.
She liked that too,, so one day,, I decided I would take her into the shower with me, and see if I couldn't get her under the light spray setting of my Water Pic. Well she LOVED it!! So that was the start to Petee the Senegal's showers with her human every few days.
Soon, I had Buddy and tried it with him. He seemed to like it also.When I got Arwen,, I decided right off to see how he would react to the showers. The second day he was here, I took him for a drenching shower, and he spread his wings, and did wolf whistles. LOL! he liked it too.
Soon, Blaze came,, and same deal, he wasn't freaked and enjoyed the whole thing. So, now,, I line them all up on my corner shower unit, and do them all in a row. The unit is only 3 shelves,, so, one Feather Dragon sits on the other unit at the front of the tub.
Here are some pictures of all the Tweeters lined up for their shower. Now they get impatient, if I take too long, and start yelling at me to hurry up!!
Too much!!