Reenact - South Australia

Welcome to the Reenact - SA club site. South Australia's Second World War Living History Club.


Italian Forces.

Tony from Commemorative Historical Society.

Basic Equipment and Uniform Checklist: Italian Infantry/ Colonial Militia 1936-42
M29 or M35 tropical bustina (cap-badge optional). M29 or M35 ‘Casco Coloniale’  (pith helmet) with rosette and insignia (brass)-
NOTE 1- Sun goggles, NOTE 2-M33 helmet (only issued in 1942 to regular infantry) M29, M35 or M40 Tropical pattern tunic with collar stars  M35 or M40 Tropical breeches Knee length White wool-knit socks Knee length Khaki or Grey/blue wool-knit socks Puttees or Canvas 1 piece infantry gaiters
· M1912 Tropical boots ot DAK tropical ankle boots- Continental pattern Italian army boots are also fine.
M29, M35 or M40 shirt in either continental or tropical colours- 
NOTE 3– Italian infantry pattern belt Cartridge pouch Neckstrap Bayonet frog Bayonet
Mess tin M33 water bottle in 1 or .75 ltr 
NOTE 4- Fork and spoon Jacknife, Shelter half in Tan or M29 camouflage Italian Army pattern Great Coat NOTE 5-
Carcano 1924 or 38 carbine or M91 or M41  rifle with sling 2 or more clips (you’ll need these for events)

NOTE 1- M35 tropical helmets are easy to source in sizes up to 56-57 cm’s, in 3 years I’ve never seen a 59 or 60- for those of us with large heads, this may mean using a ‘captured’ wollesley pattern or British pith helmet- this was common practice. If a captured helmet is used, correct insignia MUST be applied.

NOTE 2-these were standard issue, captured goggles were common as they were harder wearing, but efforts should be made to acquire the correct pattern, as they are common, and were made into the 60’s.

NOTE 3-if wearing a tunic, a white T-shirt or singlet is an acceptable substitute, as it was common practice.

NOTE 4- It was common practice to carry two waterbottles in the Italian Army during the Africa Campaign.

NOTE 5-It was common practice to use captured great coats from 41 onwards, as allied coats were common booty.