Reenact - South Australia

Welcome to the Reenact - SA club site. South Australia's Second World War Living History Club.



Deutches Afrika Korps (DAK).

Springenhelm in green or yellow paint or spliner B, green or tan cover
tropical LW side cap or HBT tropical cap in green, tan or yellow.
Sunglasses or sun goggles, motorcycle goggles, German, British, Italian or French (optional).
LW tropical shirt, HBT type Heer shirt, Italian or British tropical shirt (all OK). Tropical LW tunic and bloused tropical LW trousers
tropical shorts (not for front line)
Patt 1,2, or 3 jump boots (black or brown 10 grommet hole smooth skin army type boots OK for patt 2) or low cut tropical type desert boots.
Pattern 2 or 3 jump smock (pattern 3 for post 1943 only).
Brown or black leather belt OR canvas belt with LW buckle
Belt clips for Y straps.  Y straps - tropical or brown/black FJ type.
Gas Mask in Fallschirmjager canvas gas mask bag (Green or Blue).
K98 bandolier in splinter B, green, tan or blue
LW bread bag, Mess tin & Canteen with cup (LW, Heer or tropical)
Either LW, Gebirgs or tropical type haversack OR A frame with assault bag.
Zeltbahn, splinter B ideal, but mint, DAK tan or Italian type OK
Esbit stove with fuel
P38 or P.08 holster with optional pistol
E-tool (optional as rarely seen)
Either K98 bayonet and frog or trench knife or Kat or gravity knife.

Olive Green Field Cap M40 trop. cap with Green soutache. Tunic M40 trop. tunic. DAK Breast eagle, collar tabs, & shoulderboards (Green piping). Olive Green straight leg Tropical Trousers, shorts, or early war Breeches. Shirt- 2 pocket pullover style tropical shirt (French trop. Shirt ok). Socks- Grey, brown, or olive green. Boots- Long or short canvas tropical boots, or Continental ankle boots. Web Belt & Buckle. Buckle (painted olive green or mustard). Bayonet K98 Bayonet & either leather or web Frog. Ammo Pouches K98 pouches (either brown or black). Feldflasche- Trop. issue (wood covered) or Continental.  Metal cup painted black, Olive, or tan. Straps- tropical webbing or leather. Gas Mask Container, either green or tan coloured. No Spanish cans. Bread Bag- Olive, gray or tan. Mess Kit Green, Feldgrau or Tan (orig. or post war). Y-Straps- Web preferred but leather ok. Shovel & Carrier- Folding or straight. leather cover only (Black or Brown), Web covers were rare-avoid. Optional-  Zeltbahn Splinter A pattern or tan. Helmet M35 or M40, left army eagle decal only. Sand/Mustard in colour  (feldgrau OK). Pith Helmet Original or Correct patterned Repro (Check b4 purchase). Fork/Spoon Orig. folding one piece set, or officer issued 3 piece knife/fork/spoon set OK. A-Frame & battlepack. Gloves Grey or green wool. Greatcoat- Dyed brown. Goggles.