Reenact - South Australia

Welcome to the Reenact - SA club site. South Australia's Second World War Living History Club.


Australian 2/48. North Africa

British early WWII pattern Khaki Drill Trousers. This is the early pattern with no back pockets, two on-seam side pockets, and field dressing pocket on right front. Brass buttons as used on the earliest production of these trousers.
Either ; Khaki Drill Shorts, 1941 pattern. This pattern has the two front closure straps (not crossover straps), front FFD pocket, baggy and long. or; Khaki Drill Shorts with Turn-Ups (Bombay Bloomers). This is the rare early WWII version of the KD shorts with long legs that button up to form shorts. They could be lowered to form high-water trousers in the evening for protection against cold or mosquitoes.
Socks used with shorts
British Indian Army Khaki Full Hose.
AERTEX Desert Shirts or Cotton Aussie manufactured early WW2 shirt.
Should be WW1 pattern from Lawrence or Warwicks in Melbourne.
Webbing and Equipment
NO E TOOLS. And make sure to try to match the manufacturer ie British or Canadian. Water bottle with open web carrier, Bayonet Frog (Indian pattern). Gas Mask Bag optional.


USA 1st Infantry. Tunisia/Italy

Equipment list.
Springfield Rifle and Springfield Bayonet
M1 Helmet
Model1941 Field Jacket, HBT US infantry shirt & HBT US Infantry Trousers
Service Shoes & M1938 leggings
US Webbing (web belt, suspenders, haversack & First Aid pouch)  US T-entrenching tool & cover

M1910 Canteen & cover
US Jeep Cap

Trouser belt
1st Division Patch

Meatcan mess kit & KFS
Garrison Cap

Great Coat
Dog Tags (early war style) & Military ID documents.