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Oct 6, 2003 I recently added a link to my "Taunton Sound-Off" forum on Yahoo and removed the picture of my house from the front page. I also turned the note about my old guestbook not working into a link to the old guestbook, which had only been accessible from my links page. |
Jan 2, 2003 Fixed the "Cool Eyes" page. It had been linking to eyeballs at another site, which evidently is no longer there. Fixed that and added instructions and a link back to the main page. Also, I removed the hit counter from the main page. That thing hasn't worked in a looooong time. |
July 8, 2002 I've added four new Klaatu MIDIs. "December Dream", "Dr. Marvello", "California Jam", and "Long Live Politzania". They've been created by fellow Klaatu List member, Cathy Tarlton. |
June 22, 2001 I fixed the Musicrobot auto-MIDI-search on my links page. They had changed their URL. A while ago I stuck a live picture of the Old Faithful geyser on my front page. And there's now a link to sign up for the Yahoo club "grow grapes". |
Nov. 18, 2000 I've added some blue torches to my front page, and increased the size of our house picture. Also I added a link to a screen capture of a reply to one of my Yahoo Klaatu CLub postings. None other than Dee Long of Klaatu replied to my post! |
Sept 6, 2000 I finally added a few new MIDIs to my miscellaneous MIDI page. Also, I started to learn JavaScript so I've added some neat bubbles trailing the cursor on my miscellaneous MIDI index page , and a javascript thing at the top of the Misc. MIDI page itself which tells when I last updated that page. |
August 3, 2000 Well, I haven't done much with my pages for a while, but recently I've removed the webTV newsgroup links from my links page because I can't access them anymore anyway. Also, using Geocities new "stats" feature of the file manager, I've identified a few more pages that have links to mine and I added them to my "LinkedToMe" section. Now if I can just figure out why I always get script errors when my pages load, I'll be in good shape. |
March 4, 2000 I've had to split my website. All my non-Beatle MIDIs can now be found at http://www.geocities.com/politzanian. I've revamped both my Beatle MIDI page and my miscellaneous MIDI page and added a bunch of new MIDIs. I took off a bunch of GIFs because they were taking up too much space, and besides, I was able to save everything on my hard drive. |
Feb. 21, 2000 Again, I haven't kept this page up lately. Well, I got a computer and switched to AOL from WebTV so I changed all (I think) my e-mail links. Also, I've realized that zipped MIDIs don't work so smoothly on a computer as they do on WebTV so I'm gonna try to convert all my MIDIs back (if I have room). To make room, I've deleted a bunch of images that I had saved and also got rid of the "aboutme" page (no-one's interested anyway). And, since I can't get to the WebTV newsgroups anymore I've taken them off my links page. Also, the javascript tools I had on my links page don't work on my computer so they're gone. I've also added a banner to the "Kim Richards Fan Club". I've continued to add the occassonal MIDI, when I find a good one. And I've widened this table. |
Oct. 21, 1999 Once again I've been delinquent in updating this page. The newest thing on my pages is my GIFs page. It lists all the images I've saved. It duplicates the function of the old subdirectory listing which we can't access any more. I've re-arranged my main page again, moving the sidebar up to the top again. I've re-formatted my midi page so all the menus are the same size (using Internet Explorer, anyway. And I've made a "python lines" page of some of my favorite Monty Python lines. And, we bought a house!!! |
July 24, 1999 I started a Help sites links section on my links page. |
June 27, 1999 With the recent switch over to Yahoo! I've added a Yahoo section to my links page. I've also added a section for pages which link to mine. If your page links to mine and you're not on there, LET ME KNOW PLEASE so I can include you. BTW, my new Yahoo! e-mail address is rst379@yahoo.com |
June 20, 1999 I've added a "page talk" button to my first page so you can hear my voice. I re-layed out my miscellaneous midi page. I added links to real audio clips from "Magentalane" on my Klaatu page. Also, because YahooCities has taken away our ability to view sub-directories I've put index.html pages in my subdirectories. |
June 2, 1999 I put all non-zipped versions of the Klaatu midis back in and on my Klaatu page, put the midis and zips in a table, rather than the pull-down menu that used to be there. I moved the homepages of Klaatu fans to the Klaatu page where they belong |
May 21, 1999 While I have continued to make changes, I've been very delinquent in updating this page. I've added many midis, and some links. Also an image sizer using javascript on my links page. |
March 4, 1999 I've added a goto box and a "validate a web page" box at the top of my links page. I created a new page (surfradio,html) which should allow you to surf the web while listening to my midis. It uses frames with my midi menus in the top frame and my links page in the bottom frame. Also, I've tried to speed up the loading of my index.html page by putting height and width attributes on all my images. Some images I resized, particularly those webring gifs which were unreasonably large in filesize. |
March 2, 1999 I have continued to work on my pages, but I've been delinquent in updating this page. I went back to my old nebula background, I like it better. I added some more midis, mostly to my miscellaneous midi menu. I was admitted to the "Men of WebTV" web ring, I'm site #57. I've added many new links to my new link page and put links at the top of the page for jumping to any particular section of that page. |
Feb 1, 1999 I have a new e-mail sig. It's #8 in sig.html. There's an audioscope and two pull down menus, one for Beatle's midis and another for all other midis. Each menu is it's own webpage, embedded in the sig. Also, today I added midis for Aqualung, Band on the Run, Blessed (Elton John), The Chain (Fleetwood Mac), and Empty Spaces/Young Lust (Pink Floyd). I have a new nebula.jpg background with more nebulocity and hot spots of starbirth. |
Jan 22, 1999 Someone I don't know finally signed my guestbook. Someone name "Robo" from England. Yea!! Thanks. I started a page with all my space gifs. It's called "universe.html" I have a page called "clock2000" which is counting down to the year 2000, but sometimes it doesn't seem to work. |
Jan 15, 1999 I took the WebTV community webring control panel off of my first page because, obviously that webring is not being maintained. I'm still holding out hope for the Men of webTV webring, so I'll leave that up there a bit longer. I changed the background of my guestbook from a flat dynamite-wire-blue color to the bluespecks background. I'm still waiting for someone to sign my guestbook unsolicited. So go do it! |
Dec. 23, 1998 I've joined a web ring (The Beatle Lover's web ring. I am site # 122. So the banner for that is on my Beatles page and my first page. I submitted my site to the All You Need is Love webring, but haven't heard back from them. Regardless, the control panel is on my Beatles page. I also submitted my site to the "men of Web TV" web ring and their panel is on my first page. There's another webring I have a panel for, the "WebTV community web ring", but I think that ring has fallen into disrepair, so I'll probably take it off. I've tampered with the panels to give you access to the index and queue listings for each ring. Also, I've added links to most of my pages and subdirectories to the sidebar on my first page and added mars, jupiter, saturn, and the moon also to the first page. I've combined all the Beatles midis into one pull-down menu. I started a new links page, which includes the newsgroup links and all the newer links. |
Dec. 11, 1998 Today I did a search on Alta Vista for "the most Beatle midis" and my site came up FIFTH!!! So, since I've promised to have a midi for every tune, I went and grabbed another 40 or so midis, mostly of cover tunes the Beatles did, converted them to zips, and they are now on my site |
Dec. 10, 1998 I've taken my homepage links (on the first page) and put them in a sidebar, leaving me some space in the middle for a "welcome" statement. I've further refined the table for the rest of the page. Also, I've added meta tags specifying that my page is predominently about Beatle midis. I finally got my Beatle anthologies background to work and fixed the fontcolors on that page. |
Dec. 6, 1998 I've added a "search the Klaatu home page" function to the Klaatu page. Also, I added a third midi version of Calling Occupants. |
Dec. 3, 1998 I've totally tablefied my first page to try to get some consistency in how it displays, and added a couple of "new" images for the newsgroup and guestbook page links. |
Nov. 29, 1998 I've added a newsgroups link page and further modified my guestbook input page.Most of the newsgroups are for webTV only, so if they don't work for you, that may be why. |
Nov. 28, 1998 I've added about 30 Pink Floyd midis, so they have their own pull-down menu on the miscellaneous midi page now. Also, I've Added a guestbook! Please sign it if you haven't already. |
Nov. 21, 1998 Today I added 30 very nice Led Zeppelin midis, so I gave Zeppelin their own menu on the miscellaneous midi page. Also I changed the first two image test pages so that the images themselves are the links to the individual image files and the animated gifs are all activate-on-select. |
Nov. 20, 1998 I've added a bunch more miscellaneous midis (zips) and a link to the Kenny Schrader webring. Also, I put the Beatle midi page into a table to keep things centered on a computer. I put a new anthologies background on the Beatle page, but it's only visible from a computer because it's too wide to be seen from webTV. I fixed (I think) the mailto:Geocities e-mail link on the first page. Of course I can't test it from my work computer because my browser's e-mail is disabled, so if nobody ever tries it I won't know that it works. |
Nov. 14, 1998 I've added an e-mail signature page for storing and switching between several e-mail signatures, linked to from the main and link pages. But I haven't got the signature midi thing down yet. (could it be because they're zips?) Also, I started a second text test page, which currently has a couple of pull-down menus using cgi scripts. |
Nov. 10, 1998 All midis are now zips, saving about 6 megs of space altogether. |
Nov. 8, 1998 I've added some more Pink Floyd midi's and broken out the miscellaneous midi's into 4 pull-down menus. I recently converted all the Beatle midi's up to "Kansas City" into ZIPs. |
Nov. 4, 1998 I've converted all my non-Beatle midi's to zip's and saved about a meg of space. I've put a code (font transparency="100%") at the botom of my pages to hopefuly stop Geo-garbage and pop-up ads. |
Nov. 2, 1998 I've changed both "send me a note"s to mailto:(geocities e-mail) because it just wasn't working going directly to webtv mail. Geocities mail will forward it to my webtv (hopefully). Also, I've table-fied the "aboutme" page and added images of a moose and the Playstation logo. |
Oct. 27, 1998 I've added in the midis for: All Together Now, The Ballad of John & Yoko, Glass Onion., Helter Skelter, It's all too much, Long, long, long, It's only a Northern Song, Revolution #9, and The Inner Light. That should about do it. |
Oct. 23, 1998 I've made all the pull-down menus on my Beatle midi page the same width and given D.W. Barnes credit for the midi's. I've reformatted the table with the Klaatu album covers and changed the version of Calling Occupants which plays automatically and put all the Klaatu midi's on that page where they belong. I've added more images to my image test pages, and put a picture of Kenny Schrader on the aboutme page. Also, I enlarged the flames on the home page and made the Draac's Gifs link a GIF. |
Oct. 22, 1998 I've expanded my image test page into 4 pages, linked in series. Hopefully they'll load faster, though there's still some work to do, like adding in the rest of my images and putting dimensions and more alt text |
Oct. 12, 1998 I finished putting all the Beatle midi's into 4 pull-down menus on the Beatle midi page. I also put all my other midis into a single pull-down menu on the Midi music page. Also, Gumby's page has an actual picture of him now. And there is a series of 5 photos, from our vacation, linked to on the aboutme page at "my dog Gumby" and "camping picture".From those 2 pictures, you can get to the other 3, which includes Rusty Wallace and Jeff Gordon.Also, I've added a few more links to my links page. I've removed the link to my notpad page because that never worked except from home. ow the "leave me a note" link goes to "write me an e-mail". |
Recently I've finished grabbing midis for all the beatle songs and put them in my music/Beatles and music/beatles2 sub-directories, which are now linked to from my midi music page. I've also started a Beatle music html page, also linked to. I've succeeded (using javascript, not cgi-bins) in creating a pulldown menu of links to midis on my beatle page, but so far I only have songs from A to D. The Beatle page also has an audioscope (viewable only from webTV). There's also a link to my miscellaneous midi directory., and a link to my image directory. And I added a speech synthesizer link on the Lost in Space page just for fun. |
Sept 15, 1998 I've rearranged the first page links table and put a supernova in the middle, also fixed the link to Patricks free graphics and the link from my notepad back to the first page |
Sept 13, 1998 I've replaced Homer and Beavis with flames and added links to Gumby's page and this page (it's about time) |
Sept 12, 1998 Now I've added a Gumby's page. And I put the Beatle songs on the music midi page into a table |
Sept 10, 1998 I've fixed the layout of my home page links on the first page, and added an animated Beavis and an animated Homer to that page. |
The first thing I fixed was the layout of page 2, my links page. I've fixed up somewhat, the layout of the table and added a link to my text test page. |