Scott's gifs 3-7-9

These are the GIFs that I have found on the web and liked enough to save.

Click the title to see the image.

Notice: I'm eliminating a lot of the larger images here so I can unzip my MIDIs.
alien 4K
allyouneed 21K
altavista 1K
aquabg 3.5K
atom 4K
beatax2 13K
beavis 3K
beavis2 13K
blueflame 17K
bluespecksbg 7K
bluesquare 4K
bluestraveler 10K
construction .6K
deerjump 5K
dilbert .4K
dimstars 3K
doghydrant 16K
dogwag 4K
ES 77K
EST347 102K
evileyes 4.5K
fire 21K
firecouple 6K
fishing 13K
flashfire 6
flashshield 28K
frozenbtcat 9K
geocitiesg 1.5K
germanshepherd 5K
ghopper 2K
glassball 2K
homelink 6K
homer 6K
hope 105K
hopeback 115K
howling 4K
ieglobe 4.5K
iloveu 12K
jadebar 5.5K
jukebox 7.5K
jukebox2 14K
jupiter 3K
jupiter2 1.5K
kewl-link 4K
kitten 3.5K
klaatulogo 22K
klaatulogo2 3.5K
leopard 7K
lightning 42K
lightyearslater 47K
magentalane 87K
mars 2K
men 3K
menbg .3K
moon 41K
moon2 2K
moose 1K
mouse 15K
multicolorrockbg 30K
nascar50 21K
new 1.5K
peaks 28K
peaks3 169K
playstation 6.5K
playstationsmall 3K
pulsar 2K
raccoon 2.5K
rebornrobot2 15K
ren .3K
renandstimpy 10K
ribbon 2K
rocky 1K
ruffy 4K
runningdeer 8K
s.park.line 7K
saturn 2K
scooby 7K
shipswheel 1K
shouthouse 3K
signbook 3K
signbook2 2K
sinkhole 11K
sirarmysuit 55K
smalltree 6K
spectrumline 4.5K
spongebob 7.5K
starflash 3K
stimpy .4K
swimfish 26K
turningball 10K
twinkle 18K
viewbook 3K
voyager 56K
wavelink 18K
white.atom 3K
yellowsubmarine 13K

Hey! why stop with GIFS?

Scott's JPEGs

abbeyrdbg 9K
anthologiesbg 12K
bigrobot 12K
blackbluebg .8K
bubbles 7K
camping * 60K
coyote 3K
ES 18K
EST347 16K
futurama 7K
gordon * 26K
gumby * 22K
gumbysource * 67K
gumbytable2 * 29K
hope 15K
hopeback2 13K
Jupiter 7K
largemajesty 29K
largemajestycropped 13K
logs 1.5K
magentalane 108K
Mercury 1K
moosehead 22K
mystbook 5K
nebula 12K
Neptune 2K
peaks 8K
peaks2 11K
purplebubbles 5K
purpskybg 18K
rwallace * 29K
Saturn 8K
saturn2 1K
schrader * 6K
smallmajesty 7K
unlimited 6K
Uranus 2K
uroboros 11K
whitesatin 9K
whitesatin2 10K
woodstove 13K

All images (except *) have been gleened from the web. All are assumed to be 'in the public domain', but if you know of any which aren't, please notify me at and I will remove them. I make no claim to any of them and I make no money from them. It's not worth being sued, so just let me know and I'll pull 'em right off there.