Profile of Sir Quasar
Title: Sir Quasar of Corenly
Profession: Knight of the Realm of Tortall
Marital Status: Single
Hobbies: horseback riding, archery, reading
Appearance: Quasar is a little taller than average with short dark brown, almost black, hair, and dark blue eyes. He usually wears a white tunic and dark breeches, but on occasion can be seen wearing Court garb or chain mail. He carries his bow and arrow strapped across his back and a broad sword in a sheath by his side. Besides the usual weaponry, he wears a belt along his waist that has many pouches. These pouches carry his odds and ends, including various items for any animals he may come across and his sling shot, which he has carried since he was a little child and has fallen into disuse. On his left pointer finger, he wears a ring of unknown origin, which he refuses to talk about.
Character Description: Quay was born into the nobility, and is, as a result, quite proud. He knows the meaning of loyalty, however, and is extremely loyal to both the crown and his friends. He has a blue gift, but no wild magic. He is also quick, and often speaks before he thinks.
Weapons: best with his bow, but can use his broad sword and sometimes his slingshot
Companions: Dwane, his trusty steed, and friends from the inn (I won't name names cause I'm sure to forget someone)
Parentage: He is the only child of Lord Kalen and Lady Colandra. Lord Kalen is the descendent of the lords of Corenly. Lady Colandra is the distant cousin of King Roald, the Peacemaker.
Story: During the 'Duke Roger Crisis', Quay was one of the next in line for the throne. (At that time, after Duke Roger, the line of succession was extremely muddy.) Since he was only about 5 years old then, his parents, fearing for his safety, sent him to the Court of Galla. There he completed his training for knighthood. After about a year at the palace there, he was granted a day in the city, when a young rogue tried to steal his purse, but unknowingly led Quay to the Court of the Rogue in Galla. He became acquainted with the Rogue and continued this friendship after returning to Tortall. During his squirehood, his knight master owned a fief on the southern border of Galla, and Quay passed many summers there. Consequently, he came to know the customs of Maren quite well. After undergoing the Ordeal of Knighthood at the age of 17 (the Ordeal in Galla is at 17 for all squires), he returned to the place of his birth, Tortall. He is currently 18 years old and teaches archery at the Palace to squires and pages. He resides at his parents' estate near the Palace grounds, but also uses his rooms within the Palace. Quay visits Corenly often, as well, to help his father oversee the day to day business of running a fief. He is currently looking for a squire.
10/19/00: An update on Quay. He has officially left Corus and the Inn. If you know the reason, good for you. If you don't know the reason, you probably don't deserve to know. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably don't need to know. I hope that covers everyone. Never fear peoples, I have plans for Quay.
Quay's goodbye letter
7/13/01: Quay's parents have died, so he's now Lord Quasar of Corenly.
7/20/01: Quay came back in January. He's going through rough times, in his up and down relationship with Sir Alexandra W. von Staffenzig. (I'm not sure where it's going, so don't ask.)
Look at this, here's his tombstone. It's all ready for him, just in case he needs it soon. (Which is always a possibility considering the thin ice he treads on.) THANKS MEG! IT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TOMBSTONE I'VE EVER SEEN!!
9/12/01: Quay and Alex have broken up. Please click here to find out more.
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