
The News

Restoration          Samples

 - Minor

 - Medium

 - Major

 - Colorization

 - Manipulation


Shipping Info


Order Form

Links & Communication

Guest Book








Shipping Method Choice of shipping method is up to you.  I recommend that you insure your photos with the carrier that you choose.
Packaging Place photos between two pieces of cardboard and inside a padded envelope.  Be sure to write "Photos: Do Not Bend" on both sides of the envelope.
Return Shipping Return Shipping will be insured and paid for by myself.  Your photos will be returned to you via US mail within one week of receiving them (If there is any problems getting your photos to you within a week, I will contact you through the information you provide on the order form).




If you've got Questions or Comments, please contact me at dderrigo@hotmail.com or sign my guest book.