10 PRINT "Welcome to the freakmachine.";
20 GOTO 10 |
Welcome to the freakmachine. Welcome to the
freakmachine. Welcome to the freakmachine. Welcome to the
freakmachine. Welcome to the freakmachine. Welcome to the
freakmachine. |

10 PRINT "The 1983 fantasy
movie 'Krull'."
20 GOTO krull
PEEK 850,19,
211,981,17,34 |

10 PRINT "Visit the freakmachine
club or mail the machine
20 INPUT x$
30 IF x$ = "club" THEN GOTO club ELSE IF x$ =
"mail" THEN GOTO
mail ELSE GOSUB otherstuff
10 PRINT "What pictures?"
20 INPUT creative$
30 IF creative$ = "Net.art" THEN GOSUB
netart ELSE
IF creative$ = "Comics" THEN GOSUB
comics |