Hi! I'm Celestial Cat, your ring
You have just entered the fanzine
library, where Jim,
Blair, Simon, Rafe, Henri, Megan, and all your favorite
Sentinel bad guys come out to play. I love fanzines.
Don't get me wrong, the net is great and I read stories
from there all the time, but there's nothing like
holding a new zine in your hands, snuggling deep in
your favorite spot and exploring the possibilties along
with the writers and editors.
If you're the editor or
publisher of a
Sentinel fanzine, what are you waiting for?
Join us today!
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Ring -- Go here to see the ring FAQ and to
start your registration process to join the ring. Be sure you have at least ten (10)
minutes to read through everything, to complete the submission form, and to put the HTML
fragment and ring graphic on your page.
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to edit your site information.
You are responsible for updating
your site information. If you change any of the following, you must update your ring
information: site title, URL or site address, owner name, e-mail address, ring password,
keywords, description.
Visit The Ring List -- Here is the complete list of sites.