A  trubute to Writer
This page is in rememberance of one of the best loves of my life.  No she is not dead but i lost her just the same....but that is a story left for a better time.
  *catch me on my deathbed and I MIGHT tell you*

  Her full name was, well im not going to put that here but lets say her name is writer. 
She was and continues to be one of the best friends i have ever had and i hope it stays that way after she sees the page. 

She is an avid Jewl fan as you can tell if you have ever talked to her.  But not only that, she has a kind heart, a great sence of humor, a peacefull demenour, and she has a decidedly wicked personalty. The perfect woman eh?  She also has the sexiest southern accent i have ever been privaliged to listen to(hours on end hehehehe)

I would like to just take this time to thank her.  She kept me out of trouble and listend to my worries, she was supportive and attentive and always had a laugh and a smile ready.  I considered myself lucky when i had her and know i consider myself lucky for knowing her.  She has also taught me alot about myself, and in turn i learned alot about her. 

I would also like to thank her for teaching me a few particulars about love and life.  She taught me to let go.  If you dont know, dont ask.  She also taught me a bit of latin, and she associated that word with me.  I learned the uses of Olive Juice and chocolate and strawberries.  I taught a little german and high deharian and recieved pattience and a keen wit. 

As Stephen King said in Wizards and Glass, "true love is boring, just like any other powerfull drug, exept for the people who are in love."  That being true anyone but writer that has read this all the way through is an idiot

There are few things in life i regret half as much as i do of losing writer BUT, in the end it worked out.  She has a new boyfriend and I found god so we both lived and learned afterward.  But now i want to appologize to her for the tears I made her cry.  I was a jerk knew it and didnt care so here's to you Writer! 


please forgive me this writer but i had to get it off my chest.
Here She IS