This is a Website for a new typ of audio plays - The Doctor Who Crossover Adventures! A simple way to explain them is this, there are only two actors (that's not professional J ). We use sounds from other sources, then it gives the illusion that we're acting with famous actors. E.g. If we want to act with Xena, I get some sounds of Lucy Lawless and combine them with our own voices. Then, somehow, we manage to make a story. This is a series of adventures where the Doctor and his companion meet characters from other stories. I would like to point out that I do not intend any copyright infringements and if anyone has any objections to me doing this then I will remove it.
A recent development in the Crossover Adventures is a new companion for the most recent Doctor (Aron Toman). Astra, (played by Coren Idle) is a fifteen-year-old girl from the planet Pendor who travels around Time and Space in a dimensionally transcendental Telephone Box (sound familiar?). Although, where the Doctor's looks like a Police Box, her's looks like the Telstra Telephone Boxes you find in Australia, late twentieth century. Unsurprisingly, she calls it the Telstra. Astra will be joining the Doctor in the story The Warrior Goddess. If you'd like to hear more about Astra, go to The Adventures of Astra page, where a few stories have been written about her and her adventures before and after she met the Doctor.
All files on this page are zipped VQF files.
20th June, 99
Starring the most recent Doctor (Aron Toman), and his companion Astra (Coren Idle)
Dimensions of the Doctors: Almost a crossover, but more like a mix between Dimensions in Time and Destiny of the Doctors. Features Monkey and Xena.
Muppets in Time: The Muppets have a very special guest star.
Dalek Slayers: The Doctor chases the Daleks to Sunnydale, where he meets a certain vampire slayer.
The Warrior Goddess: The Black Guardian sends Callisto to kill the Doctor on the Titanic.
The Woodsboro Murders: The Doctor gets involved in a series of murders and a betrayal.
Starring previous Doctors, including Paul McGann
Who Park: The Sixth Doctor has to defend South Park from the Daleks.
Pauline Hanson and the Daleks: The Eighth Doctor has a run in with Pauline Hanson.
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