Ah, my life in America ...
Time is running so fast I wonder if I were still human or just
a whiff of air.
I keep moving... despite my complaining and whining...and I I
think I like it.
My love is called love of work.
I am in that age and stage when the person, gay or straight, is about to reach THE peak. After this peak, it will be a steady decline.
Now I understand why people kept reminding me in my younger age to get married or at least, find a partner. Really, there are so many things in life that I could do with ease if I were living with someone. Especially now when I can't afford a personal secretary or maid.
Being single, I can't receive anything straight outta UPS, because I leave home at 8 am and come back by 10 pm, and you probably know how notorious those UPS guys are who work only up to seven, no week-ends and they expect you to have someone at home ready to open the door and receive the package, or else they expect you to be the friend of everybody in the community and these friends will all be singing and dancing in receiving your package for you, HMmmmp!...it's really discriminatory to single people. I get so mad when companies I order from keep sending me those UPS packages despite my telling them to use regular mail - because it will take me 1 hour to drive to the nearest UPS office and back!
Anyway, Pinoys, believe it or not, are known for hard work in America. That's the reason why I keep on saying, the Filipino is not indolent by nature. He is made indolent by the dynamics of the SYSTEM where he lives. (I will write more about this in my other website).
I am talking about myself (again?), who don't have any major romantic plan for Valentine's Day. I don't even know what Romance is nowadays. All I know is I feel so tired after working and schooling. I can't even find the time to cook my fave foods - Nowadays, more often than not, I drive by restaurants (expensive) or Burger's (cholesterol-rich) to grab something for dinner. These dinners make me feel so guilty at times that I force myself to cook vegetables and rice even if I had to crawl in my kitchen. Is rice a vegetable?
I've lost most of social contacts, well, because I got out of the circulation. Honey, I just can't find the time. Even my parents hesitate to call me now, afraid that I might be deprived of sleep and this might affect my driving the following day.
Good thing I quit smoking for a year now - no more horrible colds, no more coughing at nights on spring and winter. I am a lifetime member of Ballys, never used it since two years ago. No time.
The root cause of all these, really, is work - I have taken two jobs in two hospitals because I need money to close in on a condo property, I'm buying this condo to reduce my monthly bills by 200 bucks.
This is the best example of the cycle in America that makes man work hard: Buying an apartment is much cheaper than renting one. But you've got to work hard to achieve that. And it's achievable whether you're a doctor or a streetsweeper. Achieving something beautiful out of hard work is a very beautiful deal (and only in Ameirca) though you get very very tired in the end.
Still, I get the mistaken notion I am capable of too much. My overly self-confident nature sometimes gets me in deeper shit...
I don't foresee things like - My tire blew up this morning and spent half a day at Tire Kingdom.
I had to make up for my lost time at work so I finished work at seven in the evening, exactly the time I promised a student who wanted me to tutor him in COBOL.
I wanted to pass this assignment, but I had to keep my word...so, I drove fast to the university - and an officer pulled me over. For speeding.
The student is mucho rico from Panama and offered to compensate me for all my troubles.
Being Pinoy, I said, "No no no no no, I'm fine. It's not your fault. I am tutoring you so I could get more mastery over the subject. Common, I can pay for my own tickets."
Latinos, like Pinoys are extremely gallant, blame it on Bolivar.
He said, "I really insist to pay for all your troubles."
He is very very very cute, honey. And I'm really getting horny and sleepy.
I said okay without realizing I took a third job. And I spent two hours teaching Cobol to a very handsome man.
I know...I know...I can hear you all asking, "QUE es the point?"
I might cook Spanish rice on Valentine's Day.