the quieting heart

hello, i'm back again, the self-confessed pacific story-teller, the one who sits here on this chair thinking of the sea and coconuts and seashells..... that's why i'm in florida; it's the cheapest  place  to mimic the pacific. it's been months since i shared a story with you dear readers and i'm so amazed at how this site is visited regularly by you who want to hear more about the tales i spin no matter how boring they can become. occasionally i receive a note from one of you to thank me, i really don't know what you are thanking me for until you refer me  to all the other stories i wrote in the past and, for example, after a reader referred me to my old story 'the confession of a sixty year old cross-dresser',  i checked it out myself. it's been years since i last read it. yes, it was funny. i know this is self-promotion....what do you expect?


then there is this computer programming thing i'm going through. next thing, i'm studying  all advanced computer language courses, next thing, i am assembling my own computers, next thing, I have five computers in my tiny a laptop.

when my friends ask me why i do this shit, i say i'd email that question to myself to find an answer. now, when i email myself, i  need to remember which computer, which operating system, and which screen name emailed which.  and, i need to remind myself  my persona as a woman which is which is is different from me being  a sorry male which is which is different from me being a queer-over-the-hill which is which is different from me as gay pretending to be straight  which is ah it can get confusing.

and i certainly don't want asking how cum tastes  because only knows the answer to that. and i certainly won't let ask how being a virgin feels  because only knows the answer to that.

two weeks ago.

i really need a new screen name for a virgin.

every other week.

Fuck, every virign i make can't keep it beyond two weeks.

so what am i gonna talk about today? why am i so hot about computers unlike my friends who are into Avon products? or am i  into stereotyping again? one time i started writing about a gay neighbor until my plot diverted into some melancholy ending that i abandoned it. one time i tried to upload a story i wrote years ago to this site and again, i found it  too mushy. i don't want to oversentimetalize anymore. I wanna keep my writings short as well.


the kutsero

as the dust settle down like a small twister that slowly fades on the street of malaybalay, as the golden sun descends and hides behind malaybalay mountains and darkness ascends,  he, Kabuto gets out of their hut to prowl the night streets. he has very good  reason to do so because he makes money in the dark driving his horse-drawn kalesa. This is the only way for him to make money nowadays since life under Erap has become so miserable. he's got a family. a wife and kid. he's got no skill for a job but he's got a big horse-driven kalesa.

He's also famous for something else. The reason he's nicknamed Kabuto is because he's got big dick.

there are many stories surrounding him, legendary and nearly fantastic, but he's into women only you know, there are enough women in the barrio desiring him and willing to be driven by him to all the dark corners of the barrio, surrounded by swaying bamboos, amidst darkness that is punctuated only by the jumping fish in nearby fishponds of Banqueruan, and blown by the wind that smells like mud and hay, yes, amidst these, one can hear the suppressed moan of the two - a woman covered by a black veil and of course, Kabuto - there inside his horse-driven kalesa, balanced on the nape of his strong horse, under the moon and stars.

Afterwards,  she pays him a big tip.

i wish to see  his endowment that has gained fame since he became the 'official' stud in the barrio. but when it gets exposed and used,  it is always dark and i am always yards and yards away, hidden and quiet as i watch him please the lucky woman.  the women he gave pleasure to - they did not always come from the barrio, they come form other parts of the province, taking a ride on his kalesa, not giving any direction, sometimes giving the wrong direction, which gives him an indication - he rarely refuses all these women, young, old, widowed, married, he does not care.

he does not care either how much i want him. my nights seem incomplete if i do not see his kalesa pass by, and if i perceive the kalesa to be carrying him and a woman he potentially needs to give pleasure to, i quickly leave everything behind and run after them, to the location he always prefers - beside the Banqueruan.

and there, i'd wait, i'd wait feverishly, my senses get sharper,  my eyes  see so much. i watch  him do  his routine. i stay on the sideline sweating like crazy.

i must have you Kabuto, i whisper to myself, but you prefer only women and i cannot afford you.

i  desire him so much  i work so hard so i can save a couple of pesos. with enough money i'd ride one night in his kalesa and i might get lucky.

sometimes i stand in the station where he picks his passengers. i stand there staring at him. he gets so pissed by my gaze he quickly whips his horse and settles in a place far from me.

tonight, he does not go out with his horse-driven kalesa. i am tempted to pass by their hut to see if he's sick or something. his kalesa is standing on the side of the hut but not his horse. it is getting dark and i begin to wonder where he could be. so i check the station, he's not there. one of the kutseros told me he's been drinking. i hear his wife learned about his nightly sojourns and threw him out of the house.

i find him astride his horse drinking Tanduay. i stand beside him without a word.

"Fuck, what do you want asshole. Will you stop stalking me?" he yells.

"Is it true you have the biggest dick in the barrio?" I ask.

He nearly fell off the horse upon hearing my question.

"Is that what's making you follow me all this time?" he burst laughing. he jumps off his horse. He unzips his pants, "Is this what you wanna see?"

 I swear, it's huge, never seen a dick as huge as this.

After seeing it,  I thank him.

I go home singing.

Something else happened but i won't tell you.  I just feel the night beautiful tonight, i see the stars and moon dancing in my eyes remembering my pacific nights...........