Macario's Story Continues...


"Why a condo and not a house?" asks his perplexed, semi now you see him now you don't, i can't believe it's not butter, gee your hair smells terrific hemi lover of five years.

Macario wishes to have a profound  earth-shaking answer to this question but he doesn't.

And he can't lie either so, he says, "I've got only four thousand two hundred thirty five and fifty-five cents in my savings account."

"Four thousand fucking dollars, you lousy  loser faggot. (this is how his lover expresses romance) What're ya gonna buy? A doghouse?"

That really offends Macario. He says, "I'm not exactly as rich as you are. (Pauses) Thanks to your prostitution days!"

"Fuck you! I was an escort. Escort! Escort! Can't you get that into your nugget head?

"Escort my ass! Honey, you don't get a Lexus  just by escorting people, gim'me a break!"

"Why can't you just share my place with me?"

"You nearly killed me the last time I cooked my favorite dried fish."

"Yuck. You'll never cook that shit again while I'm around."

"Yeah, that's why we're better apart."

Etcetera...Etcetera...this kind'a talk usually leads into some form of sex, the more nasty it is, the more torrid they get. But  I'm not talking about Macario's sex here,(you wish!), I'm talking about Macario Macapudpud buying his pad.

itutuloy...(i'm doing these small writing pieces while reading and practicing on my unix assignments. Thanks for reading them:)