Faith Statement and Focus

I. Highlights

Kingdom Ministry is inspired and informed on the devine precepts and promises which is encapsulated in Mattew 16:19, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven..."

The Ministry draws its vision and strength from the wisdom of God contained in the Holy Bible, which has the full capacity to positively influence, the physical, social and spiritual world.

The Ministry's concern takes into account: -

a) The growing visibility of the power and work of the Holy Sprit in these last days (Joel 2: 28-29).

b) The spiritual malaise that are unfolding in the body of Christ and hindering the Gospel,

c) The leadership crises confronting the modern society.

The Ministry is, therefore, obligated and takes it as its major calling to pronounce a break through for a vitally enhanced ministry of the Gospel, by aiming to initiate spiritual revival, recovery, restoration and reconciliation.

The unique dimension of the Ministry is that it has an enlarged perception of redemption. Redemption is a holistic conception encompassing the social, political, economic and cultural aspect of human life.

The Kingdom Ministry maintains that the time is ripe for the fulfillment of the Biblical promise, "Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God", plsam 68:31. It affirms the strategic calling of Ethiopia for the last days Ministry. Hence, the Ministry's mission is national, continental and global.

2. Ministry Faith

The Ministry hereby declares that our faith and theology are based on our belief in the Holy Bible and the only infallible, God inspired and authoritative word of God.

We believe in the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who is but one God, the maker and sustainer of all things and creation. We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His sinless life, in His atoning death, in His resurrection, ascension, and in His return in Glory.

We believe in the power and work of the Holy Sprit and the full expressions of the gifts of the Holy Sprit in the Ministry of God.

3. The Kingdom of God and the Ministry

The main mission of the Ministry is to expand the kingdom of God premised on the true appeal of the Lord's Prayer, " Let Thy Kingdom Come". In essence, kingdom Ministry seeks to be a powerful wing to enhance the great commission mandated to the church.

The single most important purpose of God in all creation is to see the salvation of humankind through the transmission of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom in which His sovereignty and reign are firmly built so that none can perish. The aim of the Kingdom Ministry is, therefore, to expand the frontiers of God's Kingdom in all walks of life, which in essence is His inclusive redemptive purpose

4. Ministry Focus

Building visionary and sprit-filled leaders.

Building a renewed visionary generation.

Building Kingdom minded Christians

Promoting peace and reconciliation.

Promoting Spiritual Training Programs.

Establishing a Christian Research Center.

Developing Leadership Training Center.

Developing Resource Center.

Promoting Organized outreach Programs.

Producing and distributing Spiritual books, literature, Journals etc.

Ministry Address:

Kingdom Ministry

P.O.Box 21023

Code 1000

Addis Ababa



