el sabor - 11/13/00 03:09:17
My Email:ruge1977@aol.com
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: WANDA D.
Vho is your favorite Tigrito?: WANDA
Favorite site: tig fan forum
Vould you sue me?: nein
Vhy are you here??: ya!
anything that salutes the TIGRITOS is fine with me
Andrea Sierra - 08/15/00 01:26:39
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: me
Profesor VonSosume le cuento que este año me fue
muy bien en mis estudios
pase lisa no me quedo ninguna materia para reparar
y pase para quinto año,
estoy contenta porque me falta un solo año para
graduarme de bachiller y
empezar a estudiar en la universidad con la
carrera que me gusta
"Ingeniería de Producción o Industrial".
Ahorita yo estoy de vacaciones descansando y
preparando para mi otro año de
estudio. Creo que voy a estar por 2 semanas en Rio
Chico (Playa) o sino en
Morrocoy (Playa), estoy difrutando muchísimo de
estas vacaciones con mis
amigos en fiestas, reuniones, etc. es magnífico;
lo único malo
son mis cordales pero que se hace. El 15 de Agosto
me operan las cordales
que me faltan.
Bueno Profesor VonSosume me despido por ahora sin
antes que decirle que lo
quiero mucho y espero que vuelva a tener la misma
admistad con el Señor
greg - 05/15/00 05:08:49
My Email:manic136@aol.com
Vho is your favorite Tigrito?: you
Favorite site: no
Vould you sue me?: no
Vhy are you here??: yes
Ricardo Salinas - 05/03/00 23:44:48
My Email:rickychapo@hotmail.com
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: the TIGRITOS
Vho is your favorite Tigrito?: YUSMARY DELGADO
Favorite site: Wherever YUSMARY is at!!!
Vould you sue me?: If you stay away from YUSMARY I won't. Ha,ha,ha
Vhy are you here??: Very much
We haven't heard from you lately. We're not going
to sue you. Say hello to the FORUM and mandale
saludos a YUSMARY from me, her biggest admirer, RICARDO SALINAS.
Adios Professor and stay in touch.
Septimus - 04/24/00 00:39:11
My URL:http://webs,demasiado.com/septimus
My Email:poch@startrekmail.com
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: Data
7 of 9 Vs. Kess=: 7 of 9, ever
Congratulations for you site!!! is very good.
Kwanza - 02/09/00 04:01:42
My URL:/siliconvalley/bit/9285/graphics.html
My Email:kwanza26@hotmail.com
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: Me!!! :)
Vho is your favorite Tigrito?: Huh?
7 of 9 Vs. Kess=: 7of9, easy with Borg Strength
Favorite site: Mine, maybe yours someday
Vould you sue me?: Perhaps
Vhy are you here??: I dunno you
My site isn't Star Trek but It contains a lot of ships inspired by Star Trek and Star Trek ships. :) I love Star Trek!
lesuem - 12/14/99 13:03:23
My Email:r4563meus@aol.com
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: tom
Vould you sue me?: yes
Vhy are you here??: yes
- 11/30/99 03:11:43
Lance - 09/26/99 13:09:41
My URL:http://www.violentwind.net
My Email:skibbet@yahoo.com
Vho is your favorite Tigrito?: Estefanía López
I like very music the TV Show El Club Los Tigritos it is a really fun show the dancing, the comedy, the guest, the over all production is simply wonderful - Estefanía López is not only so talented but also so very beautiful -
andrea - 07/09/99 01:30:24
My URL:http://sugee.8m.com/index.html
My Email:andiweaves@aol.com
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: my friend, jacq
Favorite site: mine :0)
Vould you sue me?: nah
Vhy are you here??: lot of things
thanks for checking out my site n' signing the guestbook. you got a spiffy page here...has my name too. keep up the good work.
Debbie Young - 02/04/99 23:38:20
My Email:guieness-50@yahoo.com
Vho is your favorite Tigrito?: ??
7 of 9 Vs. Kess=: 7 of 9
Favorite site: http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/2685/syafiq.html
Vould you sue me?: Next to me I would sue next
Vhy are you here??: Yes I do.
I enjoyed your pages and your humor.
Jeri Ryan must be a very special person.
Does she knows how you feel about her?
Amber - 02/03/99 23:47:21
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Tanzanites
My Email:shy_violet@cheerful.com
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: My cat (she's a person ya know).
7 of 9 Vs. Kess=: 7 or 9
Vould you sue me?: Why would I do that?
Vhy are you here??: yes
You signed my guestbook... I thought I'd return the favor. Nice site. I love "Star Trek!"
Tracey Greene - 01/25/99 04:02:25
Next to me, vho's your favorite person?: Leonardo DeCaprio
Vho is your favorite Tigrito?: Kitty, Karina, Carol
7 of 9 Vs. Kess=: Kess
Favorite site: Tigrito comment page
Vould you sue me?: You bet.
Do you like?: What?
Hi, Professor. Just wanted to see your new pages. Love your poem to Kitty. Brought tears to my eyes.