Welcome to Justin's Home page

     This page consists of work I have done with Bryce 3D and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.  I have made many programs using Visual Basic, and I have found that it is very fun and creative work to do in my spare time.  It is a rather simple programming language to learn other than languages such a C++, which I find very boring.  Anyway, I have made a "Stupid" Web Browser which has no purpose of existence besides the fact that it can browse the web.  I am happy that I have made the web browser and a screen shot of this browser is displayed below:

    As you can see it is in the beginning stages of development and a few adjustments need to be made.  Other than that, it is just enough to get by on the web.
        Well, let me introduce myself.  I am a 13 year old boy who lives in a small shack on the island of Maui.  That is in Hawaii for those of you who aren't familiar where Hawaii is although most of you are.  As you probably already know, my name is Justin and I love to program and I love computers (not in an intimate way).  If you would like to know more about me and see some pictures you can  go to the About page.  I have recently obtained Bryce 3D and I am currently learning how to use the program.  I wanted to learn Visual Basic and I had to do a very big project on the subject to pass the eighth grade, making me familiar with the programming language.  So know that you know me, I'll show you around.
        All I have to say about Bryce 3D, is that it is the BEST 3D program I have used yet.  I am still learning, but with the experience I have with Ray Dream, I have gotten by and have made several images.  Please visit my Bannner page before you click on the links!!!!!   Here are some images that I have made for fun. Here they are!
An Isle in the Pacific
An Island in a Strange World
A Gray Island in the Atlantic
The Three Sisters
A Green Island
Hover Craft Racing
A Simple Island
Future Pyramids

        I have used Visual Basic 6.0 for quite some time now and have learned how to use it rather well.  Unfortunately, I do not have a job involving programming.  I am hoping that I will become more advanced with Visual Basic so that I can create useful programs rather than stupid ones that confine your mouse into one position and disable control alt delete so that you can't exit the program without restarting your computer.  Not to worry, I don't plan to create any viruses with Visual Basic because it wouldn't work on most computers anyway.  This is because they would need certain files to run the program.
        Here are some of my favorite links to some sites that I have found.  These may appear stupid to some, but to me, they were the sites that encouraged and inspired me to do what I do.
 3D Shop.com (Great Site for 3D images)
 Planet Source Code! This is one of the best places to get code for Java and Visual Basic programs

        Well...That's about it!  Thanks for visiting and come again.  If you want to know anymore about my images or programs, e-mail me at justin96708@yahoo.com.