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Mi Amour

Puisi untuk seseorang yang telah mencuri hati ku...




Weblog-nya Alfa. Curahan hatinya menyentuh sekalee...

Death of an Innocent

Puisi menyentuh tentang mengapa jgn nyetir kalo lagi mabok.


My Yahoo!

Web page Yahoo! Buat nge-check account email Yahoo!


Band of Brother

Halaman ini buat my brothers wherever you are, take care bro...



Hasil Pemungutan suara di TPS 10 Kelurahan Kertajaya









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Copyright © II 1998-2003


Maintain by Lukito Indarto incorporation with:



Last Update January 19th, 2004 - 12.00 WIBB





























There's nothing down here :)
































Really, I mean it - there's nothing down here.
































Why must you keep looking down here?
































Go away! Please! Let me rest in peace!
































Quit bugging me - I'm trying to sleep!































I told you there's nothing down here.... ;-)