Welcome to the Pink Padawan's Jedi Warrior Page!

This page is devoted to the Jedi Masters, Knights and Padawans of George Lucas' Star Wars Universe. It is primarily focused on my favorite of the Jedi, but I hope to add a more complete treatment in time. This page is new, and is always under construction.

Qualities of a Jedi 

The Jedi Code 

Jedi Thought for the Week

Qui-Gon Jinn fights the evil Darth Maul... Force-Inspired Silliness 

My Fan Fiction (and information on submitting your own to this archive) 

My Favorite Jedi

 New Stuff:

January 22, 2000: I haven't been thinking much (sorry!), but I have put up a series of pictures from previous DragonCon conventions I have attended! This is for all you on the Qui-Gon Jinn Discussion List who want to get the feeling for what DragonCon will look like.  Enjoy!
DragonCon 1995
DragonCon 1997
 December 16: New thought for the week (FINALLY!)
December 13: Added new fanfiction of my own design. Waiting for someone else to send me some to keep mine company!
Jedi Qualities
Jedi Code
Thought for the Week
Fan Fiction
Jedi Favorites
Contact me here!
Site updated January 22, 2000 by the Pink Padawan.
Midichlorians at and rising!