Bowling For Buzzards-Pumbaa
Hakuna Matata-Timon,Pumbaa, and Simba
It's In The Past-Rafiki
Peter Pan
Spirit Of The Great Sea Water-Hook
If You Are Not My Ally Than You Are My Enemy-Demona
Lord of the Dead-Hades
Hey it's a little dark, a little gloomy and as always full of dead people.-Hades
Memo to me, Memo to me, Mame You after my meeting-Hades
I have 24 hrs. to get rid of this bozo, that I have spent the 18 yrs. aligning the cosmos and you are wearing his MERCHANDISE! -Hades
We dance, we kiss, we shmooze,we carr on we go home happy what do ya say Come ON. -Hades
Weakness- Hades
Is this kid gonna mess up my hostile take over bid or what? What do ya think. - Hades
Cowgirl - Bambee