01 g -
This is your basic Gok. Adult, too young to start balding, (or she was spayed in time), a little overweight so is probably either a pet or scavenges in the picnic areas to eat. Either way, she needs to be caught and tattoed for identity. (See her wrists - no marks shown) Sketched by Hortenna of Naraz.
02 g -
Child's sketch of a gok, apparently climbing down something (probably a tree outside the classroom where the child was supposed to be paying attention to lessons).
03 g -
Photo taken of drawing scratched into an ancient cliff wall, in a sheltered alcove. Outskirts of an equatorial desert, Da'kanna Province, Minbar. Dated to approx 370 C.E. Shown at 1/3rd scale.
04 g -
Picture drawn of a sentient-sized face mask, covered with deep-dyed gok fur. Dated approx 2,500 B.C.E. Thanks to Marak Museum Depository, Marak-Wrill Province, Minbar. (Note: the pupils on the Mask are cut out, allowing the wearer some visibility.)
05 g -
Image left in a Ranger dormitory on Tuzanor training base, ink on fragment of what seems to have been a bedsheet. (Note: rest of bedsheet was never found - I presume this is part of the reason the (supposedly human) artist is unknown) Shown 1/2 size. Date found: March 2261 C.E.
06 g -
Image scratched into plaster wall then inlaid with deep blue ink, same dormitory as above. Artist unknown (known to be Minbari from date of image). Shown 1/2 size. Date found: 2234 C.E.
07 g -
Coloured wax on paper. Artist: Joni Micheals, 14 years of age, 2265 C.E. Image was donated to the hospital she was staying in while recovering from injuries taken in shuttle crash. Subject is called (translates into English as) 'Fat Cloud', a gok trained in Patient Interaction at the hospital (Animal Rehabilitation and Companionship program, ARC). Thanks to Xenosurgery Department, Spaceport Hospital, Yedor, Minbar.
08 j -
Drawing (coloured pencils) of Desert Scrub variety of wild gok. Exact location and date unknown. Drawing is on display at the refueling station at Dro Si'al. Thanks to staff at the refueling station for permission to make a copy for this collection.
09 j - Archivist's personal collection, September 2266 C.E.
"This sketch is of 'Mangy', a transient gok that washed up on the riverbank after a particularly severe set of floods had come down from the nearby mountains. I found him being dragged to higher ground by the house party of tame goks, who checked him for breath, then proceeded to steal half a dozen tea towels from the kitchen which they used to wipe off the worst of the mud. When he woke up the next day, the usual rituals were observed, and he has remained in the compound since. We estimate his age to be approx 8-12 years old. He shows few scars, but was beginning the balding process of unneutered adults; we guess he was either widowed young or was still a bachelor, since father goks tend to get chewed on so much. He still refuses (after 4 weeks, now) to enter any of the buildings, but willingly eats with the other goks. Obviously unused to humanoids, he is still very skittish about being touched (which led to a small adventure while catching him for a medical checkup: including vaccinations, ident marking, and neutering). We are glad he chose to remain, his temperment is generally calm and he's excellent at hunting the horrid little Bar'cha beetles that infested the garden. He had caught some by his third day here, to eat while recovering from his ordeal; but by the 6th day he had stopped when he realised much of the food (presumably better tasting) was already provided. It was only three days ago that we finally taught him to kill the beetles and place them in a particular location - for every beetle he now kills, we trade him a little chip of honeycake."
10 j -
Sketch of a older, wild gok (note the heavy scar tissue) about to snatch a bit of food up from the ground. Drawn from a still-frame of film taken while subject was running. General Collection, dated 2130 C.E.
11 j -
Drazi Tourist's sketch of gok "begging for unearned treat", dated from 2259 C.E.
12 g -
Tourist Sketch (artist unknown) of another gok, apparently standing at attention or on lookout duty. Date 2261 or 2262 C.E.
13 j -
"half asleep" Graphite on paper, dated pre-2259. Artist unknown (label on wrapping around picture was damaged in civil war, name was lost). Subject is either a wild, very elderly (but somehow unscarred) gok, or had the misfortune to have been shaved smooth for the sketch.
2 g (coloured pencils) ...
3 g (inks) ...
4 g (graphite) ...
5 g (coloured pencils) ...
6 g (graphite) -
Various facial portraits, various years (most 2261 - 2264). On display at a local grammar school, assumed to be done by students. All are on paper. The darker than usual colouration (the deepness of the purple one in particular) appears to be because of a lack of more realistic shades. Thanks to Chardi Disqui school, Tuzanor, Minbar.
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Legal stuff: Duh, I obviously didn't go into the future and to another solar system to get these. I drew them myself. All of them, I own every one, hahaha. But jms made the B5 universe, which I do not claim to own. If you want to borrow any of these images, you MUST ask my permission FIRST. If I say yes, then yes. Otherwise, go draw your own. - Heather