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Captain Kathryn Janeway ( Kate Mulgrew )

Captain Kathryn Janeway's Courage, leardership and dedication to starfleet has trasformed the predicament of the U.S.S. Voyager - lost some 70,000 lightyears from home - into a voyage of discovery. Voyager's mission to track down a rebel Maquis ship in an area known as the badlands was cut short when an enormous displacement wave propelled the ship into the Delta quadrant, where voyager found the Maquis ship simliarly abducted by a highly advanced noncorpor lifeform known as the caretaker. After the destructionof the Maquis ship Captain Janeway wisely invited the reble crew to join forces with the crew of Voyager on a mission of exploration, survival, and a search for a way back home.

Captain Janeway's pursuit of a Starfleet career followed the examples set by her mother, a theoretical mathematician, and her father, a design engineer. Her father drowned under the Polar Ice Caps of Tau Ceti Prime some time around 2358 ans Janeway was profoundly affected by his death. Janeway's father allowed her to learn her own lessons and make her own mistakes; she respected him for never shielding her from realities of life.

Captain Janeway's love of gothic novels motivates her to spend much of her free time on the holodeck in a recreation of old England on Earth. She is also an accomlished pool player and enjoy's the game of tennis. Janeway once considered coffee to be an essential part of her lifestyle, but replicator rationing aboard Voyager has forced her to modify her beverage choices.

Before assuming command of the U.S.S. Voyager, Janeway gained experience at various science and technical posts that eventually led to her service under Captain Paris as science officer aboard the U.S.S. Al-Batnai during the orias expedition. While under that cammand, Janeway personified the well-held belief that Captain Paris only works eith the "best and the brightest," a notion that predicated her turn as Voyager's Captain. Kathryn Janeway has proven to be a valiant and worthy successor to the Starfleet Captains that have preceded her in Star Trek history.


Star trek: Voyager producers changed Captain Janeway's first name several times before settling on Kathryn. The original name was intended to be Elizabeth Janeway [named for an American feminist writer]; later it was changed to Catherine, Geveieve Bujold preferred the name Nicole and finally, Kate Mulgrew became Kathryn.

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