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After many years the anger built up, as well as the skill to fight. No more running around the forest for me, no more lesiure days of chasing fairys. Lucky for me the guardiens of the forest were there to help. Don't know if they enjoyed it or they were just doing it for my safty. As I would hunt a deer to hone in my aiming and shooting skills they were right there to make sure that I wouldn't be hurt during my training. It had been 12 years since the death of my parents, and it still felt like it had just happened yesterday. Constant nightmares plagued my dreams. Maybe that is what refueled my hate for the outside world. The day had finally come. Oddly it looked like the night that I found out they died. Everyone was there again. But this time. There was mixed emotions in the town. Some had the look of sorro, some the look of revenge, and others crying. I think they all were afraid of my safty, and questioned my ability to survive this quest. I stopped at the mother tree for what might be my last time. She too pleded with me not to go through with this revenge plot. For it wasn't for the good god that I was going , no this was leaning toward the evil god. She warned me about becomming obscesed with power and greed, and that if I kept to the path that I had chosen I would be fine. Looking back on it now, I should have listened. After about a half day walk I was in kent castle town. And I had saw my first human. Lost and confused I wondered around the town, with this evil glare at all these people. I found a shop that sold arrows, weird ones silvers. Didn't know what the difference was but the shop keeper told me that if I was going after the undead in the wastelands that these were the best ones to carry with me. I spent about an hour or so wondering around the town talking to the people that lived there. Oddly they seemed like nice people. Not the evil selfish humans that I had thought of at all. I met a nice guy too Dick. He gave me directions on how to get to the wastland, and told me of how to tame a wolf to help me hunt there. But now it was starting to get dark and I haden't killed even one undead yet. I bid him a farewell and I was off. The wasteland was closer then I had thought, it was odd to me how these people could live so close to a evil place. It didn't take long at all to find my first victim. This pale sack of bones arose out of the ground and headed straigt for me. I got off a couple of shots, he squeeled with pain. Four more arrows went flying, all hitting dead on their mark, but he was still comming toward me. One more arrow was loose, " Oh my god" he was still alive and right on top of me. He swung with a sword I had never seen before in my life. A slash that started at my left shoulder down to my right hip. The pain wreched through my body. Before I could take a step back he landed three more hits. All with perfect precision. Finally out of his reach I started to run. Again I felt the tears at my eyes. Not from the pain of the blows but from the fact that I wasn't going to be able to avenge my parents. Then the most amazing thing happend. I heard this odd noise looked behind me and the same skeleton that was giving chase was engulfed in this yellow fog. He let out a tremendous yell, and you could hear the bones popping as he fell to the ground in a pile. Finally out of danger I stopped to check my wounds and catch my breath. As I was standing there this man walked up dressed in white robes. " Are you ok " he exclaimed. " You look like you were having a hard time". " I'm ok now thanks to you" I replyed back. What was going on. This was a human and he just possiably saved my life. Maybe humans weren't bad after all. Perhaps they did try to save my parent on that fateful night and just weren't able to. I could see why if a bunch of these skeletons attacked the town how it would be had to defend them off. " I'm Zedicus" I said while extending a hand. "NotoriousBIG they call me". " Well most just call me BIG or Biggie" he answered back. " Ya look pretty bad let me help those wounds out" he said with a bit of arrgonce. " I'm fine .... " I started but then these stars were all around me and I was feeling better. My cuts had healed and I was able to walk normal again. " Thank you " I exclaimed. "Ah its nothin" he calmly replyed. " This is a pretty dangerous place out here maybe we should stick together" he said with a bit of question in his voice. Almost angered by his insuation that I could handle myself I hastely replyed " I'll be fine I can take care of my self" although I was questioning my ability to do just that. " Then for my sake come with me and protect me " he said with a bit of anger. "I can do that". Whew that was a close one I know that I didn't stand a chance out here alone but yet I couldn't bring myself to fully trust a human in that manner. Many hours passed. And the monsters got increasingly difficult to defeat. The worst were the Spartoi and Ghouls. These monsters seem to have the evil god himself as the driving force behind their souls and swords. Was almost daytime now... Biggie suggested that we head back for some sleep. For at night was the best time to hunt the undead. Being the neophyte to this kind of life I agreed and we proceeded to the town that took my parents away from me. As we approched horriable screems were echo'ing from the town. " Shit " big exclaimed. " Undead attack, let go " He said and took off into a full out sprint. Following closely behind we arrived at the gate. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. The town foolk were running gathering up their children on their way to their houses. There were about thirty people in town fighting off these monsters. I lost BIG in the commotion. Wondering around aimlessly shooting at anything that didn't have flesh. I stumbled apon a child hiding behind a hay stack in one of the bulidings. " It will be ok " I reassured him. Then seeminly out of no where came one of those blue skeletons. Oh my god I thought a Spartoi. There was no way I was running from this one. For if I did this child would certainly perish. I stood in the doorway fireing arrows as fast as I could. Only hitting about one in every four I thought this is it. My quest ends here. There is no way I can take out this monster alone. But I held strong shooting my heart out. The first blow from his sword caught me off guard. I didn't expect him to hit with such force. After exchanging a few blows I felt weakened and he was still going strong. Then it happened, I felt this strange force around me and started feeling better. I though that Einhasad himself was aiding me in defending this helpless child. After about twenty arrows the spartoi fell to the ground. Amazed that I had defeted him. I bowed my head to the glory of einhasad. " Are you ok " shouted a voice from behind me. I turned to look and it was notoriousbig again. " That was pretty brave.. stupid but brave" he said. Still in a confused state as to what was going on I looked around town. " Its over " big said. " Lets get some sleep". " In a minute " I replyed. I turned to where the child was as he was gone. Looking through one of the windows I saw him running off. " Ok " I sighed. " Lets get some rest". ...............................Continue |