Title - ICE DREAMS (1/1) Author - Sarah Josephine E-Mail address - fortto@aol.com or emmyscully@hotmail.com Rating - PG Category - S UST Spoilers - none but this takes place between 4th and 5th seasons Keywords - Mulder/Scully UST Summary - CSM knows about Sam Disclaimer - this is my story its an x-files so sorry cc but I took some of your peoples (no copyright bad stuff intended) I did not mean to steal cc's people Notes - this story I wrote on not of the two "ice" days we had in 8th grade I wanted to describe the ice storm that had happened that night before so I just started writing testing my self to see if I could put the storm into words and this formed incredibly it only took me 1 hr tell me what you thing at fortto@aol.com Archive - please tell me where you are putting my story before you move it thanx ~~~~~~~ ICE DREAMS "It's like time stopped," Scully says as the drove up the abandon rode in Connecticut, "everything is covered, coated in ice." as they drove down the highway to Chilmark Massachusetts, "why did your mother want to see us anyway?" "I don't know," Mulder responded. The rest of the trip was quiet, Scully starred out the window in amazement. Looking at what the ice storm from the previous day had left. Each individual branch, tree, blade of grass was warped in a thin sheet of ice. It looked like the planet all of a sudden turned everything into glass. They arrived at Mrs. Mulder's house as they were walking up the path to the door Scully was sure not to step on a single blade of grass not wanting to disturb the peace. Mulder rang the bell. Mrs. Mulder answered the door; "I was wondering when you would finally come." She said practically dragging them in the house. "Mom, what is wrong?" Mulder asked seeing the fear in her eyes. "A man came here, someone I have not seen in years." she stopped and sat down. "He said he knew where Samantha was, he had always known but was afraid to tell me." tears started pouring down her face. "Who was it mom, tell me!" Mulder was about to burst at the seams. "It was him the one who is always smoking!" she said and held up an ashtray with a few cigarette butts in it. "The cigarette smoking man" Scully said, "Why? How dose he know?" "I done know but he is the one who made me chose your father," she said looking at Mulder "was going to get out of the hole thing but he made me choose." "I thought you said dad made you choose." "Your father was going to stop the hole deal but something happened. The next day Samantha was gone!" She started to cry uncontrollable. They waited a little before they asked anymore questions to let Mrs. Mulder compose her self. "What did he say? What did he want? Why did he come? Where did he go?" Mulder demanded "He said he felt guilty for not telling me earlier where she was, she was with him till she was 23 then somehow found out he was not her father and ran away searching for her real family. He had not seen her since. He felt guilty for not telling us and said 'now I can start a new life' or something like that, it did not make sense to me. Then he just left. I don't know where he went, I immediately called you." they stayed a little longer till Mrs. Mulder fell asleep. Scully was asleep on the couch when Mulder came back down stairs. He tiptoed to the chair next to the couch and fell asleep. The next morning when Mrs. Mulder came down the stairs she saw her son asleep in the chair with his hand on Scully's who was asleep on the couch. She decided not to wake them up for they seemed to be having such pleasant dreams. She went into the kitchen and made some coffee. Ten minutes later Mulder wondered in still half asleep. "Sleep well fox?" she asked. "Yes, I never thought that chair would be so conformable" he said rubbing the back of his neck. "How about you?" "Oh I was just fine." She said sipping her coffee, "would you like some?" "Ill get it" he said and poured him self a mug. "What were you dreaming about? When I came down stairs you had this big smile on your face." "Nothing." he said and took a sip o coffee, "this is good what kind is it?" he said trying to change the subject. "Fox you cant fool me. What were you dreaming?" "Nothing" he repeated. She starred at him. "Fine, I was dreaming that Samantha came back, that she finally found us." he said and looked across the table. His mother had that 'you aren't telling me everything' look, "what?" he asked "That's nice." she said smiling and took another sip of coffee. Mulder could tell there was something more and wondered if he should tell her where Samantha showed up, witch was at his and Scully's wedding but, he decided not to. Just then Scully walked into the room, "morning" she said and pored her self some of the coffee that was on the table. "Morning Dana" Mrs. Mulder said, "sleep well?" "Yes, I must say that couch is very confee." "Why thank you Dana." Mrs. Mulder said while Mulder rubbed his neck again. Scully laughed, "I take it Mulder that the chair was not that confee?" "How'd you guess?" he said with a play full tone. Then he looked at his watch, I was almost 10:00 am, "Scully we have to be back in dc 2 hr ago!" Mulder said Scully ran into the other room and called skinner on her cell phone saying that they would be leaving there now. Mulder said good bye to his mother then Scully came in with their coats and they left * * * In the car on the way back to dc Scully was driving "it is so pretty" Mulder said looking out the window at the ice-covered landscape. "I know, " she said speeding up. "Scully slow down!" "I'm not speeding yet," she said going even faster. "Yet, slow down or we will crash and ill never see my sister." She slowed down, "When do you expect to see her again?" she asked casually "When my dream comes true" END Did u like it please tell me email me here at ForTto@aol.com thanx (I need mail send it please!!!)