Sunspot leads you into a small cave-like overhand embedded into the mountainside. You don't go in far before you are greeted by a VERY large snowcat male. |
The male sniffs you for a moment, then rears back up on his hind legs so he is nearly eye level with you. "You here to adopt a cub?" the male askes, a brow raised in question. You nod and the male returns to all fours. "I see...I'm EmberFlame, lead male of this flurry. I see you've met Sunspot," he gives his mate a loving glance, then looks towards the others who have gathered to see what is going on. |
Another male, this one a deep green with whitish stripes, listens quietly as he is introduced to you as ForestWhisper. "Forest is shy because of his past but lets not go into that. The others want to introduced as well." |
A small, spry looking female runs circles around you as Sunspot introduces her by the name of SkyFire. Sky's body is deep red with speckles of random colors. She also sports a pair of ram horns. Sky veers away as you reach down to touch her and jumps over a dark purple blue female who is snoozing near the back of the cave. Sun tells you her name is VioletSnow. |
"Now that you've met all of us, shall we continue?" |