Greetings, good reader... the Writer's Webpage site is temporarily down while I work on it.
In the meantime... here are some links you should enjoy:

The Dark Wonders WoW Guild Test Site

The Society for Creative Anachronism

The Tolkien Society

The Elven Nation

The House of Dark Laughter

Mostly Medieval


The Old Ways Project


The As Always Fantastic Art of Tony DiTerlizzi

The Fantasy Art of Elfwood

Backpacker Magazine

The Sierra Club

Get a LiveJournal!

Oh, yeah... the Fox Island Trail Map

Disney Pics - September 2002

Marengo Cave Pics - September 2002

Pokagon State Park Pics - October 2002

Pics of old buildings on the University of Michigan campus - November 2003

Suggestions and/or comments welcome!!!

E-mail me at:

My LiveJournal is here.
This site created August 1998.
Site last updated 7/5/2007.