Odona - 10/06/00 04:23:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~odona
My Email:odona_66@yahoo.com
Greetings friend,
Well once again I have stoped by, on my blackhole ring run around! hehe.
I just want you to know..How much I care about you! really..I am glad we are friends,
Kirill - 08/05/00 03:17:11
My URL:http://www.almex.net/Star_Wars_Flasher/
My Email:kirill@almex.net
I think that you have a great website here. It looks really neat, and it's very interesting. Keep up the good job.
CHARLIE - 05/29/00 20:09:33
festar - 05/13/00 08:49:45
My Email:festar69@yahoo.com
this is wicked
i rape cows
Kathy Presswood - 05/11/00 01:16:16
My Email:tweety_bird_84@myself.com
spenser-spork - 01/09/00 18:06:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/9022
My Email:spenser-spork@iname.com
Your CC site is great. It's design and development show the Dreamworld Community Leaders' committment to their homesteaders. Keep up the good work!
Another visit from the Starship Area51 Club.
Seobahn - 01/08/00 04:35:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/9022
My Email:joybee@peakonline.com
What a dreamy world you have here! Visit us at the Area51 Club, Starship A51!

daggr - 01/07/00 23:15:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/daggr63
My Email:daggr@hotmail.com
Very nice. Love to see the different community centers here in area 51. We are counting on all the cl's to keep the program going! Stop by the StarshipA51 club sometime, it is a place for homesteaders and cl's to get together.

Queen_Arachnia - 01/07/00 23:13:22
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/starshipa51
 | ******** PARTY * TIME! ******* Did Someone say Party?<
font> I looove to partie! Especially when its a Guestbook Party! Hope you're having fun, and enjoying the party we're throwing you! ******** PARTY * TIME! ********
Odona - 01/07/00 06:01:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/9137
My Email:odona_66@yahoo.com
Glad, we are poping around, love the site.
Long Live AREA51...hehe
drop by the StarShip Club.its a Blast!

angel velasquez - 12/01/99 17:39:39
I believe that this web site is alien to me. however i some how believe that there is aliens out there.
- 10/02/99 18:34:27
Verania - 06/18/99 21:28:06
My URL:/Area51/Nebula/4156
My Email:verania@yahoo.com
To all CLs, I think we should invite sites with good content and quality to the webring, otherwise a ring of one site is very lonely.
Cmdr Jones - Esben - 06/06/99 13:22:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/8582/
My Email:cmdrjones@geocities.com
I'd better join in the fun too.
Yes it has been a pleasure working with both of you.
Welcome to all travellers that arrives here in the future.
Sandy - 06/06/99 01:30:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/2626
My Email:pillusion@aol.com
Verania the guestbooks, like are your graphics is lovely. It was a pleasure to work in the company of such talented people in helping to get this resource center up and running. I hope the steaders enjoy it.
Verania - 06/04/99 16:20:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/4156
My Email:verania@yahoo.com
The new guestbook is up. I rather like the fading writing behind the pen myself.