Some photos from March 15th, 2009, the day of the Little Rock Marathon

My self-timed finish time

Clinton Library

Globe in the Library

Chocolate Fountain in the food line

The medal is almost as big as my head

Wearing the medal

My first 2009 photo, when I bought Farkle!

This is my old mp3 player and armband, and that's what 'street-style' headphones look like

1/31/2009, after running 16 miles I noticed the dried salt stains on my face, gross, huh?

2/7/2009, after running 18 miles this is how I had my toes tapped up for the run(helps stop blisters and cuts from toenails)

2/7/2009: again salt stains on my face: under my eyes and on my upper lip

2/8/2009: there was a black cat sitting on a little rock(hah!--Little Rock!) drinking from the lake

2/8/2009: when I tried to get a closer picture it moved, but stopped and looked at me with its head cocked at a weird angle

Oh, did my hair look different between the salt stain photos of 1/31 and 2/7?

Well, it is different

I told the person how to cut it

She kept asking questions of what I wanted, I thought I was pretty clear

But then eventually she got "the picture" in her head of what she thought I meant/wanted

I think she ended up cutting a bit too much, cutting it a bit too short

So here's a photo from 2/11/2009