Don't know when it happens
Or when it will begin....
you leave the window open
....And someone comes in
You enter a world of fantasy
To places you have never been
....Spending more and more time
Enjoying your new friends
You're glad the window was open
You're glad that they stopped in....
Like the ~window~ you open your heart
....Letting them come in ....
They enter taking a part
Making you laugh...Giving a smile
Taking your reality, into fantasy
If only for awhile....
I'm glad my ~window ~ was open
So happy you stepped in
But most of all....
I made another friend
...A Unknown
Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart
....Kahlil Gibran
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful,
But she is beautiful because you love her
...A Unknown
To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven
....Karen Sunde
"The best way to love... is to love like you have never been hurt"

Song Playing : Theme From Ice Castles..Through The Eyes of Love