Mira - 12/03/00 00:46:21 My URL:http://pookie.tsx.org My Email:Over the technicolor rainbow... | Comments: Just droped a note to let you know I liked what you have thus far...liked the tunes...*s*...you'll have to keep me updated on your page progress.. |
Selena - 11/04/00 14:19:18 My Email:Texas | Comments: Cool page.I like it alot.Keep working on it.And I will be back.*S* |
Selena - 11/04/00 14:19:02 My Email:Texas | Comments: Cool page.I like it alon.Keep working on it.And I will be back.*S* |
ub§ - 09/05/00 04:13:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ka831 My Email:It really doesn't matter. | Comments: I love poetry, so thank you for exhibiting some very nice poetic words. And I like Aaron Neville! Take care of yourself, please, *Smiles* KA |
ICEWOLF - 09/02/00 14:16:51 My Email:FLORIDA | Comments: VERY NICE |
rhoni(Loma) - 06/27/00 20:38:38 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Paradise/5657/index.html My Email:Vernon BC canada | Comments: very nice page,nice meeting you |
Liquid Fire aka MIKE - 06/24/00 23:35:07 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/NedFlanders My Email:shadows of the forest | Comments: Very nice page and nice music Talk ta ya later *ggls* *hugs* Mike |
Shattered SOul - 05/26/00 17:11:36 My URL:http://www.fuh-q.com/forgotten My Email:Vancouver BC Canada | Comments: Hi, this is a beautiful page. Keep up the great work. |