Baby baby...
When I close my eyes
You're all I see
In the dark of night
You're in my dreams
Throughout the day
You're easy to find
You're always there
When I close my eyes
~Reach For Your Star~
Do not take anything
as being forever
Because forever is only
As long as today.
Know that people
Who are the richest,
Are not those who have the most
But those who need the least
That we are at our strongest
When life is at its' worst.
When life no longer offers a challenge
That it is wiser not to expect..But to hope.
For in expecting, you ask for disappointment
Whereas, in hoping, you invite surprise.
That unhappiness doesn't come
From not having what you want,
But from the lack of something
inside that you need.
That there are things to hold
And things to let go
And letting go, doesn't mean you lose.
That you acquire that which has been waiting
Around the corner.
May you have enough happiness to
make you sweet,
Enough trials to make you strong,
Enough sorrow to keep you human,
And enough hope, to make you happy.
Song:When I Close My Eyes sung by Kenny Chesney