oh well... I liked yours alot. You are a good friend. and i thank you for it. You and nightwing both.. See you later!!
Darius1492 - 01/19/00 03:17:48
favorite fantasy book: Lightening by Dean Koontz
any pets ? (what kind & names): cat (tabby-Daisy) dog (cocker-Ginger)
favorite food ?: shrimp and rice
age: 39
male or female ?: female
Greetings to "The Nightwings" my buds from that notorious SciFi/Fan room. Please forgive the unanswered questions. Darius must remain a mystery especially to herself but thank you for giving me the chance to view these pages. My quote to you" In the la
d of the golden roses, peace reigned but not in the heart of the darian warrior." from the mystery of Darius...1999
Dragon Hunter Janeth - 07/27/99 18:17:13
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/sarina
My Email:sarina@thesitefights.com
any pets ? (what kind & names): horse Murphy, cat Bogey
Hi There..I'm Dragon Hunter Janeth,
from the Darksbane Dragons at the Site Fights. I was just looking over your
site and I think that you might really do well over at our web competition
called The Site Fights. There are so many wonderful things you can do over at
the Fights, like Adopt Dragons and other little cute creatures for your pages,
get in on scavenger hunts, and most of all, meet a lot of really great people
from all over the world!
If you're interested, you can find the Site Fights by going to the
following url: http://www.thesitefights.com
My particular team is called the Darksbane Dragons. You can take a look at
my team at the following url: http://www.thesitefights.com/sarina/
Come on out and take a look around... We can't wait to meet ya!
Dragon Hunter Janeth
Sarina Blackmoon, Manager,
Darksbane Dragons

Cathy Blehm - 06/12/99 21:41:37
My Email:AngelWomen_23@yahoo.com
favorite fantasy book: none
any pets ? (what kind & names): 3 cats Buffy, Shadow, Oralls, and a Dod Mud
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): going to college
favorite food ?: Italin
age: 22
male or female ?: female
Hi. Whats up? not much. I was looking for a picture of a knight when I found this web site I haven't found a picture yet but I keep trying. If you e-mail me one that would be nice?
Thanks for your help.
Ellen Power - 03/15/99 07:41:51
My URL:http://inergy.com/Ellen_HPower
favorite fantasy book: don't really have one
any pets ? (what kind & names): none
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): none
favorite food ?: Swiss Steak
age: 18
Well I must say that I absolutely ove this site Bongo!! I am so glad that you told me about thi site!! I absoltely love that pet dragon of yours.
I really do love this site. Well you did say to sign your guestbook and I would have anyway even if I didn't know you from the chatroom.
Ellen Power - 03/15/99 07:41:37
My URL:http://inergy.com/Ellen_HPower
My Email:patuniaPaAn_18@webtv.net
favorite fantasy book: don't really have one
any pets ? (what kind & names): none
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): none
favorite food ?: Swiss Steak
age: 18
male or female ?: female
Well I must say that I absolutely ove this site Bongo!! I am so glad that you told me about thi site!! I absoltely love that pet dragon of yours.
I really do love this site. Well you did say to sign your guestbook and I would have anyway even if I didn't know you from the chatroom.
Norberto Jovan Torres - 03/06/99 13:21:46
My Email:Jovan1113@webtv.net
favorite fantasy book: The Hobbit (so far)
any pets ? (what kind & names): Dog-Goliathe
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): Color-Deep Navy Blue
favorite food ?: Something that i like
age: 17
male or female ?: Male
i think this site is cool i want in and if you need me tomake a profile easy as walking my dog.....A young 17 yrs old male with long curly brown and ceep brown eyes comes into your vision almost 5'7'' and looks somewhat small and weak...don't judge him to
likely skilled in the katana and twin dagger he is very deadly to mess with and fast and agile as well.........anything bossman i can go and on for about 5 more lines or so.....
Michael - 03/05/99 03:46:19
My Email:holcomb2k@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
any pets ? (what kind & names): Romeo, a cat.
favorite food ?: depends on my mood....
age: 39
I ssent you an email before I completely ckd out the site, claimed Purple without knowing the duties and properties....that we guard you....and I say now that I am yours...I exist to serve....and to lead. It is interesting that purple's powers are a close
y guarded secret, and also interesting that I already know what they are. Roughly. Tell me, is this an online game? Where do I enter the play?
Yours, Michael.
michael f holcomb - 03/05/99 03:40:08
My Email:holcomb2k@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
any pets ? (what kind & names): Romeo, a cat.
favorite food ?: depends on my mood....
age: 39
I ssent you an email before I completely ckd out the site, claimed Purple without knowing the duties and properties....that we guard you....and I say now that I am yours...I exist to serve....and to lead. It is interesting that purple's powers are a close
y guarded secret, and also interesting that I already know what they are. Roughly. Tell me, is this an online game? Where do I enter the play?
Yours, Michael.
RaistlinXXI - 03/01/99 10:28:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/Raist20
My Email:RaistlinXXI@webtv.net
favorite fantasy book: The Legends Trilogy (Dragon Lance)
any pets ? (what kind & names): None
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): Mage
favorite food ?: Mac & Cheese
age: 21
male or female ?: Male
Hey great page kitty! l'd like to know more about this world of yours. Can someone with webtv join up? What kind of game is it? Similar to AD&D? Well l've bookmarked your page and l'll be coming back frequently. It was nice talking to you.
Eo - 02/20/99 21:37:52
My URL:http://www.weasel.net
My Email:eo@weasel.net
favorite fantasy book: Dunno.. Sword 'o Truth series perhaps?
any pets ? (what kind & names): Weasels, Three: Jill, Rat, and Guilty S. Sin
favorite food ?: Italian pasta-type stuff
age: 23
Hee hee.. The Wizard Eo speaks at last.. I am just buggering about on the web before I go to work.. My page, www.weasel.net, is finally up!
Nothing of interest there yet, but it's a start..
Nice Knights page! =) Gotta go to work... Bye!
Calvin aka Nightwing007 - 02/17/99 10:45:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~scifijournal/index.html
My Email:cwatts3@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: Dune
favorite food ?: seafood!
age: 30
male or female ?: all male!
very cool page Bongo!
I like it a lot..keep up the good work!
the_rani - 02/15/99 08:18:29
My Email:the_rani@webtv.net
favorite fantasy book: dont know
any pets ? (what kind & names): no pets
favorite food ?: chicken
age: 54
nice page
sara - 02/11/99 20:08:27
My URL:http://www.home.talkcity.com/FabiotLn/lilly_flower/index.html
My Email:lilly_flower
favorite fantasy book: superfudge
any pets ? (what kind & names): 22 dogs cats rabbits bird fish hamster names molly smoker snikers flower sofeia jaws pooh carmale spot frickle ect...
favorite food ?: white glolash
age: 17
male or female ?: female
i would like to join please but dunno how
blade_warrior - 01/20/99 16:29:24
My Email:blade_warrior@webtv.net
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): knight
favorite food ?: apples
age: 23
male or female ?: male
I look forward to serv you m 'lady
White Deer - 01/14/99 18:55:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1603
My Email:whitedeer27@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: Mercedes Lackley's Sacred Ground
any pets ? (what kind & names): Dragons. Check them out on my dragon page
favorite food ?: Chocolate Chip Cookies
age: as old as my tongue and older than my teeth
male or female ?: female
Great pages. thanks for visiting me. Thank you for your welcome to the ring.
Old Nic - 12/20/98 03:29:51
My URL:http://www.se-tel.com/~cdi
My Email:cdi@se-tel.com
favorite fantasy book: Well theres V&H but really and truly theres just too dang many.
any pets ? (what kind & names): one dog--Bullit, wanting a ferret but in my town itd likely be shot as a Rat. *sigh*
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): *snicker* I think weve been through that.
favorite food ?: cheese sticks..still cham-peen!!
age: 25
male or female ?: Male
Hi there! Thought Id re-sign the Great Book since I now have a homepage. The site is lookin great and the Game is absolutely AWESOME! LOL Way to go!
Wren Dragon - 12/13/98 19:52:30
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/unreal/15/
My Email:wrendragon@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: I have to choose one?!? That's impossible!
any pets ? (what kind & names): male cat Zack, female cat Cinder
favorite food ?: Anything out of the water.
age: 17
male or female ?: female
I'm finally getting around to welcoming some of the newer Rainbow Dragon Ring members, I like the idea of the Knights. Happy Holidays and God Bless!
Oswaldo Chavez - 12/04/98 21:48:47
My Email:ochavez@c.net.gt
favorite fantasy book: Divine Comedy
any pets ? (what kind & names): a dog named doki
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): ------------------------
favorite food ?: Chinesse food
age: 20 years old
male or female ?: male
Mage - 12/03/98 21:46:32
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~kinarys/Magehome.html
My Email:kinarys@earthlink.net
favorite fantasy book: I have to pick one?
any pets ? (what kind & names): 2 cats named (DeeDee & Tarra) a ferret named (Sable)
favorite food ?: pizza
age: 19
male or female ?: male
Is reality illusion or are dreams
Princess Natalie - 12/01/98 01:54:58
My URL:http://egomania.nu
My Email:nnataliee@aol.com
favorite fantasy book: Cat in the hat
any pets ? (what kind & names): hamster
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): chaos
favorite food ?: pizza
age: 19.5
male or female ?: yes
wow nice page
Princess Natalie

rhonda - 11/24/98 21:13:48
My Email:rbaat@hotmail.com
any pets ? (what kind & names): just myself!
favorite food ?: doritoes
age: 31
male or female ?: all woman
well hey leslie. this is a swell page. even though
i'm not into fantasy. i want to tell everyone...leslie is sharp as a tack and just as sweet as molassis. i know..i work with her. and once she rescued us all from burning flames by carrying us all out ..one by one!!
Secret Soul - 11/23/98 08:06:00
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/h/e/thesecretsoul.html
My Email:phoenix_rebelle@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: a wizard of earthsea
any pets ? (what kind & names): CAT CAT CAT = robert = grigri =vagabond
age: 28
male or female ?: woman (green dragon)
your work is clear and i enjoy to visit even if i m not roleplaying :)). Good job and welcome in the rainbow dragon ring:)))
Talon Wing - 11/23/98 06:43:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/9288
My Email:Wolfpac128@aol.com
favorite fantasy book: Hm. Mossflower series! or Dinotopia.. too many to list
any pets ? (what kind & names): Sorry, my pup died not too long ago *sniff*
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): Uhmm... wha? Order preference.. hm, I'd like a number 5 with curly fries.. (JUST kiddin!)
favorite food ?: Depends, anything from Pixie Stix to.. well, u don't wanna know. >=)
age: RL and OL: Old enough to know right from wrong, but not old enough to sort it out =)
Great site, although I don't quite understand the whole Knight thing.
Chris Witwer - 11/21/98 23:31:56
My URL:http://www.web-brothers.com/Theressa
My Email:witwer@mail.utexas.edu
favorite fantasy book: Sorry, Leslie, I don't like fantasy. Well- does Jurassic Park count??? (Guess not)
any pets ? (what kind & names): MOZART!!!! cat- 10 years old
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): what's that?
favorite food ?: fetuccini alfredo
age: 30
male or female ?: female
Hey, Leslie. I don't have a URL but I gave you one for Theressa's buddy Eric. It's pictures from my birthday party. Cool site. Unfortunately, I have no interest whatsoever in Fantasy, although I guess all fiction is fantasy in a way, no?
See you soon. chris
Ydnim - 11/03/98 23:47:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/6887
My Email:catfan_one@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: Many Waters by Madeleine L'Engle
any pets ? (what kind & names): Duh !
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): Mom said I can't play yet!
favorite food ?: Macaroni and cheese
age: Well you should know that by now!
male or female ?: female
I really like what you've done to my page!It looks really good so far! I also like your page too it is really neat!!
Algar - 10/30/98 10:22:22
My Email:Algar01@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: FireDrake
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): 17
favorite food ?: Chinese
age: 27*ouch*
male or female ?: male*i think*
I like da page. It looks cool. If i have time to
get off from work soon i'll make sure we get
together and play some *Vampire
Savior*Darkstalkers 3. Lookin good. Seeya soon :)
Eo - 10/28/98 13:29:36
My URL:http://www.weasel.net
My Email:eo@null.net
favorite fantasy book: Too many to list..
any pets ? (what kind & names): 3 ferrets: Rat, She-Who-Has-No-Name, and Jill =)
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): I'm the Wizard, and Secret Advisor to, well, that's a secret.
favorite food ?: Almost everything..
age: 22
male or female ?: Male
Arrrrrrggggghhh!! This WebTV keyboard is too... odd. I'd rather have my computer any day.. heh..
Hullo all, I'm Eo. You might catch a glimpse of me now and again, but like that one guy said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" But should you choose to pursue me, I can't be held responsible for whatever crazy adventure might befall you..
Well, okay.. Maybe just a little. ;)
Goldenwryn - 10/18/98 05:27:17
My URL:http://www
My Email:s.scheuermann@cwix.com
favorite fantasy book: Dragon Lance Sagas
any pets ? (what kind & names): Crusty-Racoon, Bob-Fat Cat, Wilma & Fred-Ball Pythons & 2 Ring Neck Doves-Yet unnamed (various out door felines)
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): ?? I don't understand this question
favorite food ?: Chocolate!
age: Older than YOU!
male or female ?: Mom
Your site is JUST FABULOUS ! ! !
I'm Jealous !
Love Mom
Rhiannon Shadowsong - 10/12/98 20:56:14
My URL:http://ww.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/3965
My Email:rhiannon13@mindless.com
favorite fantasy book: too many to choose! Anything by Mercedes Lackey or David Eddings rocks.
any pets ? (what kind & names): Far too many to list.. Cats: BBQ and Star and Captain. Dogs: JP and scruffy. and many more...
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): Um... I dunno. again, to hard to choose. I seem to have a problem with choices.
favorite food ?: caffeine! oh wait, that's just an ingredient.. chocolate!
age: 16
male or female ?: female
The Knights sound really cool and I'm hyped. The page is looking good, keep up the good work and it'll be great. Wind to thy wings!
Gemma Dyer - 10/10/98 14:44:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pointe/7100
My Email:d3170899@student.anu.edu.au
any pets ? (what kind & names): Cat - Tabby (so original) fish - The Lawyer Fish
favorite food ?: Beef wellington
age: 18
male or female ?: Female
I like what seems to be happening with the Knights so far. Hope to see you in the webring soon =)
Old NIcodemus - 10/07/98 07:09:29
My URL:coming soon
My Email:cdi@se-tel.com
favorite fantasy book: Vows & Honor
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): not familiar yet
favorite food ?: Denny's cheese sticks
age: 25
male or female ?: male
You have a nice site though small. Hope to join the Knights soon. Thank you.
Rhiannon - 09/28/98 19:34:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/6697
My Email:rhiannon99@mailexcite.com
favorite fantasy book: Arrow's Fall
any pets ? (what kind & names): Cat-Mellie, dog-Sadie
favorite food ?: anything Italian
age: 17
male or female ?: female
Hey,interesting page. I like the story of the knights. have run out of creativity, but i really did like your page ! :-þ
FireBird - 09/27/98 15:00:08
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/pohl/19/index.html
My Email:FireFalcon@rocketmail.com
favorite fantasy book: The Belgariad by David Eddings
any pets ? (what kind & names): Maggie the dog, Boo the cat, and Max the hedgehog...
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): Sorceress...
favorite food ?: Chocolate,
age: 16
male or female ?: female
A very nice start for a site, I'll have no trouble adding it to the Fantasy RPG Paradise Ring. (Thanks to your guestbook, you now know more about me than MOST of the ringmembers... :) I may or may not join the game, I'm involved in a few others right no
... Maybe when school's out. A great site, keep on working on it!
camber - 09/27/98 06:05:37
My URL:http://none
My Email:none at this time, flooding & in storage
favorite fantasy book: dragonlance series, all of them
any pets ? (what kind & names): iguana- hoddy
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): can't play right now, no computer
favorite food ?: macaroni & cheese
age: 24
male or female ?: male
I will have to come back after the hurricane passes and play, i am using a friends computer right now. I love y9ur idea tho!
Tea'la S. - 09/24/98 10:02:16
My Email:bongokitty@hotmail.com
favorite fantasy book: Last Herald Mage Trilogy
any pets ? (what kind & names): 2 cats, Bongo and Chata
Order preference ?(not guarenteed): White Knights Leader
favorite food ?: Lemon Pie
age: ancient
male or female ?: female
Fantastic site, I love it!! And I have some friends who want to join too. I can't wait for the game to begin.
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