This being my personal homepage, I prefer to do things my way. What does that mean to you, exactly? For one, these pages look way better in Netscape 4.+, on a large screen, and two, everything here is slightly chaotic-- like my thoughts. Right now everything is under construction as I am tired of my three year old layout and have big ambitious plans for how things should look. Meantime, here's some links so you can go away and do something interesting with your time.
The Usual
Suspects: the page with all the interesting stuff on it:
fiction, poetry, amusements, dumb quotes, and more.
some quotes that I like and links to quote pages.
Me: god knows why, but you might be curious.
so you can run awaaaaaaaaaay! Soon to be overhauled like mad.
stuff I find more addicting than soap operas are to housewives.
Webjournal: bitch, bitch, bitch.
Allow me to introduce my baby guard-dragon Nimh... Though he be
but little, he is fierce!
(Or at least that's what I gotta say to keep 'im happy! He's really a
sweetie! Unfortunately, he's like me: not intimidating no matter how hard
he tries.)
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The counter has died. Mourn its useless passing.