Hello, and welcome to the Rip in Cyberspace. My name is Jason and I will be your guide during your visit to The Rip. Have a fruit roll-up. As of current time, this place is set up as that of a house. Although, recent times may change it to a more adventurous and entertaining place to visit. If you'd like to know a bit about me, please come in to the living room. Please feel free to visit any of the rooms while you're here.

Recently my interest in the paranormal was sparked by a friend at work who gave me a Tarot reading, and now I have 2 decks of my own... While browsing through the New Age section of books for something about Tarot, I came across a book called 'Mysteries of the Ancient World'.

'Mysteries of the Ancient World' discussed many of the mysteries including Nostradamus, the Great Pyramid, and the Shroud of Turin to name a few. On my next visit to the bookstore, I found 'The Ghostly Register' by Arthur Myers. 'The Ghostly Register' lists approximately 64 accounts of hauntings across the U.S. And of course I returned once more to the bookstore and found a great book to go side-by-side with the Register named 'Haunted Places: The National Directory' by Dennis William Hauck. Haunted Places lists numerous hantings by state.

I myself have had a few paranormal experiences. Upon which I will expound in the library. In my library, there is a large number of links including some to professional investigative societies.

And now, on the lighter side of the Rip, the people who inspired me to make this page, and those whom I have encountered, met, or just become really good friends with. In the kitchen,are some friends I have met here on the Net and the places I've met them..

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