Your Disney World Photos
Page 1


Big thanks to Lisa for being the first to send a couple of snapshots taken on her honeymoon
The partners statue and the happy couple with a certain rodent of major celebrity status

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ABOVE: Half way through playing a rousing rag tune, Tina Norris realises that she's left her trombone back in England.

RIGHT: Tina's husband Terry contemplates future visits to The World - probably once their son Jack is old enough.

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Tee-eye-double G-rrr. Posing with Sara from Bath, England

Sara is particularly proud of this shot she took with her own fair hand.


ABOVE:Sara's Husband Chris, after a hard day walking 'round The World.

RIGHT:From Rex Ungericht : just by City Hall.


Rex Ungericht sent me this one. I particularly like it as I couldn't figure out where it was taken from.
I guessed incorrectly at the Tree House, Rex tells me it was taken from the WDW Railroad.

Well-done Rex - my favoured Pooh costume.


Some more folks from Bath: Helen Kelly and her sister Susie with Pluto,
plus Susie and parents at the foot of the AT-AT Walker.

Chris Howard and Gary Pillinger ready to ride the Tower of Terror. Guess which one cried out for his Mummy? (Answer below)

Nerves start to crack in the bowels of the hotel, and when the elevator drops....

It's Chris who wants to be anywhere else! Mind you wife Sara appears to be uttering an un-Disneylike word!
Gary and his missus Jane in the adjacent seats are lapping it up.
(OK. So that last one was taken by Disney, but the first two are Sara's)

Further piccys from Helen: Daniel on the left and Elliot enjoy Chip, or is it Dale's company?

Daniel and Elliot again, joined by Goofy and Stuart


Helen's boyfriend Russell thinking "What am I, a fully grown man doing with a stuffed toy?"

"Oh yes, It's Tigger, I'm in Disney World and can get away with cuddling him!"

Pride of the All Stars Resort. A window arrangement by the hotel maids in the Kelley family's room.

A snapshot of a Disney Store cast member with his boss.
(CONFESSION - I've mislaid your name, big whoops! Please zap me a line so I can credit the pair of you. Thanks)

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Denise Rajauski from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sent these. ABOVE on Countdown to Extinction , Denise is the "one with the big mouth in the front" with her cousins Jamie and Meagan.

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ABOVE: Denise and cousins with Mickey at the Studios.

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ABOVE: With Eeyore at the Animal Kingdom-Camp MinnieMickey


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ABOVE:Denise and Mom - AnnaMarie with Winnie at the Crystal Palace.

ABOVE RIGHT:Meagan at the All-Star Music Resort

RIGHT: AnnaMarie after discovering that EPCOT stands for Every Person Comes Out Tired!

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All the following come from Marc and his wife Melinda who honeymooned at WDW in May 1999. Congratulations to you both. Marc tells me that they met in WDW April 1992 and got engaged there in May 1997. He says that all photos are self explanatory except the one where cast member Eric at the Prime time Cafe is kissing Melinda, this was in 1997 where he also kissed Melinda's Mom, Sister and Aunt.

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One from Tanya Walls with Jafar and her Brother on his first visit to WDW


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Finally Denise leaving the gates of MK for the last time during her 1997 trip!


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