Remember America's National Anthem?

"A Teacher's job is to encourage his students."

What is life at the Nordseegymnasium in St. Peter-Ording, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, like?

Check out my present school:

Third employment as a teacher starting September 2008

Something to listen to while you read

After many years it is time to change and update my website. This is still Miss Katie, resident of the wonderful German Karl-May-City of Radebeul, Saxony, though, who meanwhile passed her first state exam in Dresden, Saxony, in 2003, then went on to do her teacher's training in Bensheim, Hesse, in 2005, and who had her first job at the Starkenburg-Gymnasium in Heppenheim, Hesse, from 2005 to 2006. August 2006 until July 2008 I lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Starting September first, 2008, I live in Tönning, 22 NOB-minutes from St. Peter-Ording.

You can see by the US-Flag that I am still into America, specifically Arizona where many friends of mine live.

At the Nordseegymnasium, just as much as in Bensheim, Heppenheim, Chiang Mai and any other school I have taught at, I try to encourage my students for their benefit (see headline, taken from "Mr. Holland's Opus").

I thus dedicate this page to the family, friends, relatives and students I know all over the world and who are interested in knowing what goes on in my life.

May you have fun reading and may you be able to join in on my life.

The other "schools" in my life:

First and half of second grade
Third to seventh grade
Ninth grade
Tenth to twelfth grade with school leaving examination + later on both practical trainings
Studies from October 1997 until June 2003 with first state exam
Teacher's training from November 2003 until September 2005 with second state exam
First employment as a teacher from October 2005 until July 2006
Second employment as a teacher from August 2006 until July 2008

My updated Curriculum Vitae from April 8, 2007
My Resume from March 1999 until May 2006

See today's (08-25-2008) additions to my website:

My first dinner at my new school town (07-06-2008)

Favorite sites of mine:

Read about "the best mix and music" in USA/Arizona: Tucson 94.9 MixFM
Find out about your favourite movies

Hilary Duff singing "With Love"

Sing along with the Foley Five

Today, on April 7, 2007, I am "sending out" this message "to the world". Yes, to some degree this IS "a love message". - Anybody who cannot comprehend, it is a song quotation - and we know how much Katie loves songs, especially English ones...

Welcome, Thanks for reading and Goodbye. "Have an ice day!"

What I looked like on March 30, 2005
What I looked like on August 08, 2006
What I looked like on March 26, 2007

My friend Ruth from the church community in Heppenheim singing "What would Jesus say?"

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