(I will add more to this page in the future, bare with me on this web site)


You are not quite ready to become a Knight yet.  You will learn what it takes to become a Knight in the pages that follow.  You will also become aquiated with Knights that have lived and breathed.  You will learn who King Arthur was and what he did for his Kingdom.

You will enter the following pages as what is called a Page.  You will work your way up to a squire then a Knight.  When you learn more about what Chivalry and Knight-hood is.  Also when you decide that you are a true Knight you will be able to enter the Round Table room and sit with the other Knights.  What is a Page you ask.  A Page is a young lad that is on his way to Knighthood.  A Page is someone who does all the chores for the Knights, such as polish there swords, Kitchen duty, serve them drinks, ect...   A Page will then come to the ranks of a Squire.

A Squire is one that does the duties of a Page but at a much more faster pace.  They follow their Knight that they serve on quest, and wars.  They hold their Knight's swords and learn how to fight.  They carry all the Knights jousting sticks and swords to tournaments and such.   A squire also learns from the Knights and has other Knights teach him what they have learned.   A squire is a young man that is on his way to being a Knight.  A Squire is always wanting to learn and prosper.

Do you think that you can become a Knight someday?   Do you have what it takes to possess the qualities of a Knight?   Can you answer all 10 of my questions I asked earlier and live by them?   Enter into my web page to learn about all that and more.

Click on the castle below to enter "The Realm of the Royal Knights"  as a Page.   You will endure many hard ships along the way and have to work your way from a Page, to Squire then a Ture Knight.


(My future home)

(yea right)