Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome to the Jungle!
Check out my Myspace site or my Xanga site

Beastie Boys video

Windsor Side Story
August 3, 2005
My senior will from Windsor High School
My essay on Gaius Marius
Quotes from friends
College Life - living in the dorms (funny)
What quizzes say about me

The Engineer Mural during my Re-enlistment Feb 2006

Baghdad morning July 2005

Pride Marching Band Bari Saxes 2004 Dusty, Cramer, Megan, Me, Jay

Working for Missouri Veterans Commission March 2004

Senior Auction 1999 Bryce, Mike, Jordan, Natalie, Me, PJ

We got Cloyd this time! 1999

Me & Michelle love band! Fall 1998

Time Warp at Band Camp talent show Aug 1998 Sarah G, Erin, Sarah T, Me, Sarah C, Kendra

email unikorngirl@hotmail.com